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I saw a review comparing this to Final Fantasy 16 and sort of dreaded playing this because of it. As I wrote in my previous catch-up review, I wasn't really a fan. However, the main story of Granblue Fantasy: Relink is great fun. I played through it really quick, and was impressed by how different, yet fun every character felt to play. There was so much variance in every character I chose to control. And I still didn't even play as probably half the cast! Fights were fun, and the huge boss fights were super impressive-- and didn't take away control from me like FF16!
It does inherit one major blight from that game, though: the side quests. Maybe I'm just saying this because I was assigned to guide the side quests and thus, had to play them all, but they are the most first draft kind of side quests I've ever had to play. "Get me this thing," or "slay this many of this enemy" galore, and there's over 100 of the things, and they put that in like it's a selling point. The endgame grind, too, might be for some people but it's not for me. If you like party-based action RPGs, it's worth giving the main story a whirl if you find the game for cheap. Just feel free to ignore the side content.

I don't get what other people are seeing here! I've played around 15-20 hours of this, and I just can't get into it. I think the story may get more interesting later on, and I do really like the characters, but the gameplay just doesn't hit for me. Every side quest feels like an MMO "go find this for me," and even the bombastic main quest moments feel like they completely take away any player agency during pivotal story moments. Let me play as the big summons! Don't show it to me like I am and just give me button prompts! I'll fully admit I might be missing something here, but after trying to get into it for so long, I just really don't want to keep playing.

going to (try to!) finish all the achievements before i give complete thoughts but god damn what a game