The definitive way to play Sinnoh! I still find it crazy how much better this game is than the remakes themselves xd

This game is just mid, but it had some good characters & decent dlc so that bumped it up from a 2.5 to a 3.

Beat this game in one sitting and 100% with my bros on release day. Safe to say that I kinda love this game a lot.

Vshot makes all my problems go away.

DK Summit and Funky Kong is all this needed for the 5/5 rating.

Playing this online and doing Gen 4 doubles at the sunset colosseum is just siiick man.

Played this on original hardware and it’s just amazing. I’ll always love Hoenn’s story plus we get the big green snake for our adventure now! :D

This shit is what a real video game is supposed to be!!!

Not sure why I come back to this game, but it’s a nice game to just chill and 200 pump people on BR/Creative. Plus, it’s already robbed me of hundreds of dollars somehow…

This game is just amazing and on top of that Link makes me feel things I’ve never felt before.

It might be a little dated, but in my opinion it still feels good to play it!

Pokemon X&Y may have not been the perfect games but they definitely were a stepping stone for Pokemon. It introduced the beloved Mega Evolutions, character customization, the Player Search System (Still the best online for any Pokemon game to this day), and other shit I can’t remember. This game may have been mid but it has a soft spot in my heart.

Played it on Vita, performance was alright.. It did get repetitive from time to time along with it just being somewhat tedious too. However, I did enjoy the music, characters, and combat. I don’t think I’ll replay it but I may check out other SK games.

This is the game of all time!! Definitely my favorite Zelda game!!

Makes me cry at the start screen.