21 reviews liked by peopol

Call Of Duty 3 is definitely a Call Of Duty game. For a PS2 shooter, it's pretty good!

Well, after playing through Duke Nukem forever for like the 3rd time, I finally played The Doctor Who Cloned Me for the first time. Surprisingly, The Doctor Who Cloned Me is pretty okay.

I think the biggest strength of The Doctor Who Cloned Me is that it strips a lot of the filler out of the base game. Duke Forever is a sometimes tedious experience with extended sequences of "nothing" gameplay, yet it still comes together (for better or worse) in the end by being a relatively short experience. The Doctor Who Cloned Me amplifies this aspect by providing around 3 to 4 hours of additional gameplay, and just getting itself over with before it wastes any more time.

The Doctor Who Cloned me still has its issues; it's still built upon the rocky at best foundation of Forever, it still looks like a game that was supposed to release back in 2005, and it doesn't helm any particular surprises either good or bad, mainly just being a menial improvement over the base game than anything to shock or wow for either good or bad.

I understand that many were burned from Duke Forever, and I get why. If you haven't played this expansion and disavowed the base game, I understand; but if you're willing to give it a chance, this expansion slightly makes up for the all over the place experience of the original game.

I will never understand why this game is as complex as it is.

Easily and retroactively my GotY for 2020.

What a serious labor of love. It basically plays like all the best parts of the Half Life 2 modding community and it's take on cyberpunk both wears its inspiration on its sleeve and provides a unique spin. Giving you a world that feels more bleak and grimey (and real) than really most in the genre.

Everything from the sound design, the art design, and the gunplay just feels so damn good.

The major warning I have to give is the game is pretty purposefully not nice. The odds are almost never in your favor and it asks you to constantly roll with the punches.

Maybe not for everyone, but extremely my shit.

Best part is when a character says a sawed off shot gun is so dangerous its even illegal in America.

Gunplay excelente, IA dos inimigos extremamente inovadora e única até hoje. Porém level design extremamente datado e chato.

Totalmente formulaico. Porém ambientação tão interessante, sistema de progressão recompensador e divertido. Não consegui não gostar. História com uma premissa interessante, mas execução covarde

Jogabilidade interessante e criativa, visual e trilha sonora primorosos. A penalidade por morrer é perder temporariamente alguma skill, o que não te faz perder tempo e estimula a experimentação. Único defeito é ser um pouco curto, me arrependi de não ter feito todas as coisas opcionais.

Inesperadamente, a campanha é super variada e divertida. Várias mecânicas sendo introduzidas e substituídas por outras momentos depois, muita variedade. A movimentação é tão boa, que acaba sendo mais divertido andar a pé que no mecha.