This game was really hard, probably the hardest platformer I've ever played. But the movement is so cool when you get it down. I think the only thing I don't like is that this game is really hard to return to once you've lost all your muscle memory. Like I'm on C-Sides or something now but it's unplayable to me unless I replay the whole thing pretty much which is a little frustrating, but not really their fault.

I don't know maybe this deserves just 3 stars but I think the first time play-through was really good. Unfortunately, I think it has very little replay value and a lot of the moons are stupid like "Sit on the bench" like that's dumb I'm sorry. I wish it was more linear, but I do have to give it credit because the world felt very full and exciting in pretty much every kingdom. Wasn't in love with the capture mechanic but didn't hate it. I liked the Lake Kingdom the most.

I think this game is pretty good and I think it plays well. If I were a competitive smash player I would rate it higher because I'd be more focused on the mechanics and I think fighting-wise this is the most fun smash game to me and the mechanics are all good. Not all of the characters feel super inspired and I think the roster is a little crowded, especially considering some fighters serve as nothing but skins. Which is weird to me considering that you can choose between Olimar and Alph, but these are different character slots. Maybe it's because of the hitboxes, but honestly that's a little stupid. I think World of Light is bad and the spirits are bad, but the classic mode is pretty good and I think I got my money's worth just by fighting. (Also online is bad, but it's nintendo so what do we expect)

I am purely giving this five stars because I liked it as a kid. Like I'll admit it. It is a really good game though, I think the levels are all very well designed in having lots to explore often times but still being linear (which I think is the perfect balance of linear and open world). The secret stars are all fair except for the bomb throwing one I hate that one, but it's not like it's super hidden or anything which is really what I'm focused on there.
The motion controls are good because they are simple. Sometimes they go heavier on them in a few gimmicky stars, but I think those still respond well and are fair and fun. The music is also good and the story is good enough. The hubworld feels big but at the same time it doesn't feel like it takes forever to get anywhere which is good. I like this game a lot and it is special to me!

I give this 4 stars because I didn't like the King Dice fight and there were a few other fights I wasn't too fond of and some phases, but overall it was such an awesome game. Really tough!!! But fun! And mostly fair. Music is also good.
My complaint (and this doesn't really matter) is that the default controls are sooooo bad. Like it is not conceivable in a high-pace game like this to use all 4 face buttons for different purposes. Nothing was defaultly mapped to the triggers. In a game where you want to be shooting almost constantly, it is definitely optimal to map the shooting to the triggers I think.

This seems really harsh but I'm just mad mostly. I think this game ruined the spirit of Animal Crossing by encouraging players to make perfect islands instead of being happy with some charmingly imperfect islands and villagers. I also HATE tool durability. Also this game has no life or spirit which is really the main problem. The villagers just are not real ones like they were in New Leaf.

I don't like the hitstun mechanic and I think a lot of MKWii is a little rougher but a little more fun, but I think this is really an optimized Mario Kart experience and you can't ask for much more. I think the battle modes are great. I think the DLC tracks are really poorly textured though but you can just ignore those.

I think a lot of characters are not fun to play but I think the competitive scene being terrible is funny and I don't really love smash so it is very funny to me. The story was really good. Tripping is fine. Everything about this game feels a little slow, it's a very Mario Party 8 era of wii games I guess in feel and pacing. Meta Knight is broken but fun to play so it's fine.

I would rate it higher if I had more friends to play video games with because it is fun with friends who are having fun (not with friends who aren't having fun). Also baseball gets impossible at certain skill levels and tennis is too easy, but this is a great bowling mini game and tech demo for motion controls. I give it a nostalgia boost.

Driving mechanics in this game actually rock. Not a lot of viable bikes (karts are not viable at all really) but those that are good feel great when racing. I like how there's no I-frames, I think that's fun. I give it a nostalgia boost, and I LOVE MOTION CONTROLS.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think the worlds here were a lot flatter and felt a lot more artificial than actual galaxies (as if I was immersed and thought it was realistic, but still). I wasn't in love with the Yoshi mechanic to be honest, but I think this wasn't far worse than the first one and I respect them for making a good sequel. It will always be compared to the first one and I think that is its greatest weakness.

For real, this is the original lifeless remake. I think this is one-to-one, brilliant diamond style. It was also necessary because the original game was unplayable, but it still doesn't have the physical/special split so it's hard to return to today. This is kind of the go-to for challenges and randomizers which is fine but I think the base game is boring if you don't add something to it.

It was pretty good. Solid. Best use of the 3D mechanic I've ever seen. I didn't pay for it but I traded someone a game for this one but I don't remember what game it was but it was probably worth it.

I have no nostalgic pull to this game. I also didn't finish it, but that's because of bad game design where I didn't know what to do next. Also I thought the gameplay was just okay when I was playing it. Maybe it gets better but I didn't get a chance to experience it.

This game was the moment and I must give it credit for not being pay-to-win like most mobile games. If you just walked around you could play really well. A whale sitting at home will lose to an active cheap player like me. It was fun at the time and I fell out of it because they didn't have the promised battling and trading, but I think this is a rare example of a not-bad mobile game of a popular franchise.