oh braid... great puzzles if you don't mind solving them for the sake of solving them

i think about the metaphor of this game a lot. and every time i do i just hope i got it wrong bc it's sooooo bad FKJAHGJSD dude is absolutely not good at this. he's also super racist so whatever.

i love u orbo!!!! this is such a fun little game, shooting myself around has never been more fun. would love to see a longer game that explores these mechanics further. the scary parts did feel a bit out of place though

funny dog paint the world. literally no misses, the story is perfect, the mechanics are fun, the bosses are challenging but fun with a lot of accessibility options for when they're just too challenging for you. soundtrack is great, visuals are really charming. this game makes me hungry

such a memorable rhythm game and soundtrack and everything. you know where the story is going which isn't really an issue, it tells what it has to tell and that's good enough. the visuals are great!! overall it makes me wish there was more gitaroo man, but it's also a great little game by itself that i'm glad it exists

a really well written game about addiction. i care so so much about these characters. the mechanics are really fun, i love the little puzzles behind catching each snak. some were a bit too annoying though FDJKSHG

one of the only things that gets to me is hmmm the visuals? i think the 2d renditions of the characters are a lot more interesting than the 3d models. the overall 3d visuals really appeal to me though as they carry that sorta octodad vibe which i enjoy

sad lesbian robot game <3 this is p much a perfect game, it has so much to it. great story, great puzzles, great multiplayer, even great steam workshop levels as well

i particularly like how this one aged well. the art direction in portal 2 is such a step up from the first game (and i love how they did not care about retconning the visuals for everything) literally never gets old

i like how the escape sections aren't too half-lifey like the first game. i didn't feel as lost, the entire environment felt a lot more alive... portal 1 felt lonely, which was probably the goal. but i think i prefer how in 2 i feel surrounded by life, even if everyone's already dead probably


i think i expected more movement freedom in this game but i ended up kinda liking the linearity of it? makes for a more consistent gameplay with less possible glitches with cat movement and more freedom for the animators to make this cat look and move really good. i love this cat

it's an interesting game lore-wise as well. i think they did something really interesting with robots and whatnot that i rarely see in media. also i'm often driven away by cyberpunk stuff with japanese elements bc as a japanese person this kinda stuff is often reeaaally racist GSDHFH but they weren't too weird with this one. which is a relief

in general hmmm could've been a lot more optimised. it was certainly an unreal engine moment for my computer. but i could say that about so many games at this point

sure i'm reviewing this whatever. this is a mobile match-3 game but it has no ads. and i only ever play games on mobile when they don't have ads. so you know this was the only game i was playing for a while on my phone. and guess what it's actually an extremely decent match-3??? i completed all the levels so fast my wives kept joking i was one of those moms who were on level 9687459857346 of candy crush. i also completed them twice bc the game lets you replay them. then the servers closed and i died. the end.

such a forgotten little game... i remember getting this one on a bundle a looong time ago and really vibing with it. the premise of mixing fps and tower defense into one game works so well. the text-to-speech is the same as moonbase alpha which made for really funny gameplay. aeiou

heavily biased as it's my childhood game, but tbh damacy is a special little game, there aren't many like this one. the controls feel gimmicky at first but they end up being pretty solid and fun and mastering them feels pretty good. also it's just the right size of a game. it doesn't elaborate too much on everything, it doesn't need to. it feels simple and good

soundtrack wise this is to this day the best soundtrack for a game i've ever listened to. nothing beats this one. could be nostalgia though

in general this game doesn't feel like something namco would ever release. makes sense they never did it again. this is the closest we ever got to an indie game without it being actually indie

katamari but in negative space. it's short but really fun and a great way to spend a couple hours with friends :]

the witness is like braid. but with less interesting puzzles and an even less interesting story. but it's longer therefore more puzzles therefore the total sum of enjoyable puzzles is larger?? it's a very pretty game at least. but i swear on this one you NEED to be solving these puzzles for the joy of solving them by itself. jonathan braid has unfortunately only gotten more racist since developing blow so whatever


learned about this game through that one documentary and it kinda changed my life in a teenage way

it's a great little game still! not that many interesting puzzles, very interesting lore, figuring out the alphabet was really fun, backtracking is annoying bc the game only wants you to go up and going back down is hard if you're not using portals or whatever, very pretty visuals, beautiful soundtrack, etc. it's fez. you know fez.

one thing i feel when playing it in more recent years is that it sticks way too hard to old game design conventions that we could've let behind already. i guess lots of indie games from that era were like that (like, uh, braid)

always felt like those funny genetic algorithms could be turned into a really funny video game, so i'm extremely glad wobbledogs exists. great visuals, great doggies, great soundtrack

for me it got a bit tiring kinda fast, mainly because i'm bad at managing stuff and i get pretty anxious usually (<- can't play the sims) but playing with someone else helps a lot in that aspect

sanctum but more polished! it's everything i liked about the first game but better. and they kept the moonbase alpha text-to-speech so i could still aeiou with friends. i remember doing 4-player sessions of this game with my old friend group and we had a blast with it