Dunno how i feel about it as a game but as a story its fucking amazing.

Review stolen by boyfriend. Insert story about "stolen" horse.

Dont like Yennefer. Hard to play if u dont since shes forced onto u.

Whenever I'm not playing this game I turn into soiled garbage.

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If it werent for the game breaking bugs id rate it higher. Not the most original of games but i have fond memories of nonstop playing this game. At the halfway point theres a boss (Scarlet i believe) with a 50/50 chance of forcing me to restart the game from the beginning due to it being a broken event.

When in doubt, swallow your only remaining family heirloom.

Got killed bcs group decided my color was ugly (yellow)


Could be more, gets dull after you've reached 5 stars. Erik best boi.

Also played on ps4. Had a weird bug on one of the platforms (idr which) that made it incredibly hard to time quicktime events which lead to a lot of infuriating moments of redoing events over and over and over and over and over... Game has sassy Leon though which saves score a bit B)

Cousin bought the game but was too scared to play so I had to do it instead.
Said cousin proceed to shit pants whenever X showed up.

Good times.