i start every game franchise from the beginning and i WILL catch up with all of them i swear to god

these are just in the last like year and a half but there are surely more to come knowing me lol and maybe i'll think of more i have a problem!!!!

King's Quest: Quest for the Crown
King's Quest: Quest for the Crown
King's Quest!

Three down, eight to go, i think? If we don't count all the other sierra things that shoot out of these we'd be here forever
Nekketsu Kouha Kunio-kun
Nekketsu Kouha Kunio-kun
god bless the kunio-kun/double dragon collection that just went on sale on the switch eshop is all i can say about this fucking behemoth

ONE DOWN i am not going to count these fuckers
Mega Man
Mega Man
i have played fourteen mega man games. i have an excel spreadsheet with 46 mega man games on it. that's not every single one there is but it's all the games in the Main Serieses and that might be all i can do. Who knows maybe mega man soccer will hit eventually
Final Fantasy
Final Fantasy
Final Fantasy! I started this before I was logging every game on backlogged but it was maybe the first series i started to playthrough entirely via release order and it was a revelation.

Eight down, something like eleven to go? i'm counting sequels to mainline numbered games but i will probably review individual expansions of 14 separately and idk if i will ever be able to play 11.
The Final Fantasy Legend
The Final Fantasy Legend

My most recent addition to this list, playing the first one as of this writing.

ten more? but i might fuck with remakes who can say
Final Fantasy Adventure
Final Fantasy Adventure

One down, nine or ten more? i genuinely don't know how many of these are remakes
Kirby's Dream Land
Kirby's Dream Land

four down, twelve to gooooooooo
Nancy Drew: Secrets Can Kill
Nancy Drew: Secrets Can Kill

i have played TWENTY-FIVE

of THIRTY-THREE main series games by Her Interactive and several additional installments by them and a few by THQ
Silent Hill
Silent Hill
Silent Hill!

three down, seven to go!
Devil May Cry
Devil May Cry

three down, five to go! Bayonetta counts for this fuck you fight me
Ratchet & Clank
Ratchet & Clank
Three down, like nine or something to go idk I didn’t count
Dragon Quest
Dragon Quest
i've played several of these over the years but so far the first four in sequence, i haven't hit any that i've played before yet. I will play many spinoffs i simply like this franchise
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
Ace Attorney!

Three Down! Six to go!
Professor Layton and the Curious Village
Professor Layton and the Curious Village
pip pip cheerio

one down, six to go? possibly eight to go? idk if i'll go in on katrielle or mystery brothers
Ys I & II Chronicles
Ys I & II Chronicles

Two down, eight to go i think idk i haven't looked it up i think it's just 3 - 9 and origins. i will not be playing various alternate versions of early games i simply don't care that much
Yakuza 0
Yakuza 0

I started this series with Yakuza 0 before I became This Way which is how this happened. I'm approaching the end of Yakuza 3 as I type this, which will make I guess four down and eleven to go if we include spinoffs that are accessible to me


2 years ago

Play all the Zork games. Double dog dare you. 😁

2 years ago

You’re joking at me but this is on my steam wishlist

2 years ago

I’m putting this on my formal game recommendations list James

2 years ago

The Zork franchise is generally well-regarded, even the later FMV stuff is considered pretty decent for its genre, so it's not a bad idea at all!

2 years ago

i love fmv games so that is actually the bigger draw for me tbh

2 years ago

Darn I should have picked something more ridiculous as a joke request like... The Hugo series or something idk 😅

1 year ago

So are you counting X, Zero, ZX, Legends, Battle Network, and Star Force as part of the main series of mega man or are the other 35 Mega Man games just spin-offs that are actually a part of the main series?

1 year ago

In my mind it’s all of the sidescrolling shooters that form a loosely contiguous story, so regular, X, zero, and ZX. Where I’m at in the X series I’m now unclear if zero and zx are their own little timeline or not but I gotta draw a line somewhere I think they pretty clearly seem to be of a consistent core design philosophy to carry a flag with the main mega man series vs something like battle network and Star force or legends.

THAT SAID I do plan to try to play every mega man game there is, and I do prioritize my spin-offs. So like “major” spinoff series would be BN & SF, Legends, the gameboy games. I’ll def play these before the stuff like mega man soccer, and I have an excel spreadsheet with every one of these games arranged in the years they came out. I’m trying to adhere to release order for the most part. I might start spacing things out more though for the sake of variety because I’m about to hit a battle network every year or more. So I have a loose methodology haha but it’s flexible to my whims

1 year ago

Oh I guess when I wrote this by main series I was including those main spinoff games but yeah to elaborate that’s how I think of it lol

1 year ago

Pretty sure this list is @lpslucasps's influence on you. :v

1 year ago

I hope only to see his influence in it grow tbh I admire his taste enormously

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