demo adventures

i've played the demo but not the whole thing yet. from steam prison onward reviews of the demos will be in notes, because there isn't really another way to review demos...! i will note if i purchased previous ones though.

Supergreatfriend tried this out on one of his streams so I was not surprised by the plot being a bunch of furry children bashing fash in a weird tank that, in a desperate situation, can use one of their souls as ammunition to instawin boss fights. I did not, however, know that there is a collectible that is an in universe comic you can read that basically feels like Furry Tintin. This game rules and I definitely want to buy the whole thing at some point.
This is kind of a weird one because I like the vibes of the art and writing and whatnot but I have no idea what the fuck is going on with the gameplay. Is it totally random what your dudes attack?? I just want to hit the body and kill then man especially since you can salvage parts sometimes if you don’t destroy them. Also the stats seem a little confusing honestly. I think I would like to see someone else play the thing instead of playing it myself!
Oh I am SO excited for this shit. The gameplay’s pretty fun and seems to put a lot more importance on strategy which is wild for a musou? Like… it feels like people actually accomplish things when you point them in a direction and order them to do something instead of requiring you to take control? I am genuinely unused to this even if I do like taking control. Anyway the gameplay is important but holy shit the story swerves here are wild. I only played the Blue Lions bit and am not sure if I want to play more because I have no idea how ng+ will work, but I cannot wait to get the full game and see what the fuck is going on with Arval and Shez, and the changes to the world state and appearances of a bunch of important background characters who were mentioned in the original game but never appeared in person is good stuff. But really I was hooting and hollering from the opening cutscene! You are definitely going to want to play 3H before playing this if you want to understand literally anything, but it’s good shit. It even carries over what you named Byleth in your 3H save! It’s so rad!!!
Seems kind of neat, and I am pretty curious to see where it’s going… but maybe on a computer. I dunno, I’m not quite sure if the button mapping on the Switch quite works for me. Anyway the pixel art is nice, although the attempt to scare me with a cat was not quite effective. I just wanna pet that kitty.
The environments are very pretty and flying around is pretty fun! I’m curious to see where everything goes. There are a few things that I hope get smoothed out between now and release, like a lot of the animals looking worse than everything else, but that’s fine even if they don’t. I am not sure if I like the art style used for the kid’s face for whatever reason, though, and I can’t actually say what bothers me about it.
An otome that seems kind of neat. It’s actually a little goofier than the Halloween goth aesthetic would suggest... or maybe just as goofy, hints at a bittersweet ending for the protagonist aside.

I played the first three episodes of the werewolf’s route and it was pretty fun, and kind of hilarious in unexpected ways. I won’t spoil it, but it’s kind of what got me really on board. The game seems like it’ll deal with class problems given that the MC is at the absolute bottom of the monster caste system, which makes me wonder if the snobby vampire route will be interesting or just intolerable.

Anyway, aside from the English translation’s grammar being poorly edited and the fact that the Devil girl Erica isn’t a route, I’m pretty intrigued by the setting and cast. I would consider buying it if I could get it on sale.
This one seems pretty fun! The art and animation style is very cute, and I like the vibes. I also like the quack button, that's Good. However, there's kind of a weird problem in that it causes my controller to vibrate and I need to tab out of the game to get it to stop? (this is a Switch pro controller, btw.) I don't know if it's a demo issue or what, but it's weird.
Seems pretty neat! I think I’d definitely like to pick it up at some point. The eerie vibes combined with the chill fishing create a pretty neat atmosphere, and I’m pretty curious to dig in more! Hopefully I don’t experience horrors beyond my comprehension.
When is Dragon Quest not aggressively charming? Especially when monsters are involved, I love those goofy lil dudes. This game seems like a great theme and I’m pretty excited to see more of it! The treasure hunting mechanics do feel a tad janky though, some of the pictures weren’t terribly representative. Although while I love Eric and Mia I am absolutely bummed that My Boys are not present. You know who I’m talking about. I want idiot teen Jasper and Hendrik!! Where are they!! okay they’re off in heliodor but I miss them man.
I am SO excited for this game and the demo makes me want it even more. I haven’t played DQM past the second one so I’m pretty excited to mess around with the newer systems like talents and seasons and such, and I’m super excited about the story and concept. It’s mother fucking Dragon Quest 4 Babey! I cannot wait to play as my boy Psaro. I hope there is a part where you get to teach the local animals to talk. There probably won’t be and I’ll still have fun if we don’t but I want to teach the cat how to talk with the secret of evolution. Hell yeah.

I also love how much more complicated the synthesis system is even if I miss the old conceit that the monsters got married and left you an egg. Maybe I can still imagine that’s what’s happening???

Also I’m a Sugiyama hater but I very much did go HEY IT’S THAT SONG FROM MY CHILDHOOD. It really was nostalgia all along.

One bad thing is that not being able to directly order your monsters in tournaments still sucks. I told my monster who cures poison to do the tactic that ostensibly cures status effects and that dude absolutely refused to cure anyone in my party of poison. Like everyone was poisoned but it kept attacking. Come on buddy.

I’m kind of surprised by how low the few existing reviews are for this because it’s very charming and it feels very solid. It’s definitely Baby’s First Farm Sim and goes out of its way to hold your hand but like… it’s based on a children’s show. The character designs that seem specific to this game are definitely the highlights, with fun takes on the standard fantasy races along with ADORABLE BIRD PEOPLE??? THERE IS A FIVE YEAR OLD PENGUIN CHILD. He’s so cute I almost died. Obviously the demo doesn’t show off everything you can possibly accomplish in the game but it’s very pretty and everything works nicely. I don’t really remember much about the original Doraemon SOS Demo but the vibes of this one are immaculate, I’d definitely consider it. The only things that really bugged me were the controls for moving animals into the barn and the fact that outdoor farm decorations take up planting space.
A lot of people say 6 wasn’t very good and based on the demo I think this one is a lot more immediately fun and memorable based on the characters. They’ve got fun chemistry and I laughed quite heartily several times. I did find it a little tougher than the other Disgaea demos, admittedly… I guess it’s because you get only two unique units? Anyway it’s nice to have a disgaea about a bunch of funny adults. Cannot wait to see what’s up with Fuji and his adoptive daughter man.
It’s more Disgaea! And the first fully 3D entry! Honestly it makes me kind of sad to see all the big sprite art franchises going to 3D, but if they have to do that, this is definitely how I like to see it. The cel shading style really makes the models feel pretty much just like how the sprites used to, and I feel like the style’s pretty great!

As far as everything else goes, it’s Disgaea. It’s not too horny yet, and the characters and plot are pretty goofy, as you’d expect. Of course, there are some more serious story beats hinted at, which makes me curious. This game actually integrates series staple mechanics like Big Numbers and reincarnation into the main plot, which I think is neat, and I like the hinted at theme of repeated reincarnation causing various kinds of personality degradation. I’m curious to see where it goes... but I really do have to try and complete the two other Disgaea games that I downloaded the demos of...
This seems pretty darn promising! I do feel like the art style is just a bit too pretty for the ingame models, which are kind of boring, but I definitely had fun with my time here. The strategy gameplay is really fun, and I like the world and characters quite a bit! The story itself seems a little breakneck in terms of pacing, which I can’t tell if it’s a good or bad thing. I like the interactions between characters during sidequests and maps, which is pretty good since that’s the sort of thing I’d be worried about being left behind in a fast paced plot. Lady Waltaquin is definitely the MVP here, she seems slightly unhinged and I love to see a girlboss winning.
I really like the majority of things about this. The art is great, the premise is cool, and I’m interested in seeing where things go. But, uh, this is kind of a weird complaint to have about a VN, but at the same time I think they made a weird decision… that being that the D-pad has specific functions, so if you try to use it to select things in menus you accidentally go into an investigation segment and use up one of your limited actions. I also feel like I skipped some dialogue boxes for reasons I cannot imagine outside of idk I pressed the button weird. The game does come out next year, though, so they’ve got time to smooth things out.
This was really cute and fun! I liked it a lot, the characters are charming and the gameplay is pretty neat. I’m kind of bad at the diving part to start out but the restaurant part isn’t too bad in terms of being a reasonable pace. I’m sure it ramps up as the game goes on and you get more customers, of course, but it starts out kind of relaxing compared to the more tense diving bits. I really want to see where it goes!
Game… weirdly compelling. I’m usually more into story-driven stuff than retro sandboxy stuff, but I still like those sandboxes? It’s fun. Exploring is fun. I feel like maybe I should tone the difficulty down for a breezier experience though, MP management feels weirdly difficult…
Hell yeah this rules so far all the characters are weird little failgirls and the concepts are super juicy. I am not especially good at the gameplay which is unfortunate, but I would make a wholehearted attempt to Git Gud in order to figure out what in the hell is going on in this game and with these delightful weirdos. The chemistry between all the characters so far is just amazing, and I really want to know about the spiritual prequel as well. A friend of mine is big into Crystar and I was not quite aware how much the character writing ruled in this particular way??? Definitely want it when it actually comes out.
On the gameplay side it’s a pretty standard TRPG, though it has cute character portraits and the characters themselves have potential. The dialogue is perhaps a bit stilted, though… I don’t think the translation is the best. I dig it alright but it’s not super duper impressive.
I liked this demo a lot! Honestly having a whole family as the playable cast is very intriguing, and there’s pretty fun variety in how differently everyone plays. I’m very curious to see where it goes from here. I do hope that you can’t fuck up and fail to heal the good boy wolf pup, though!
Another entry in the burgeoning “figure out what’s going on based on context clues and enter the answers into a book that helps you figure out what’s going on” genre like Obra Dinn and Case of the Golden Idol, it seems. This one makes me feel kind of dumb because I’m not always sure what it’s asking for… still seems neat, though! I’d be interested in it, I think.
Ohhh this was a fun little mystery FMV! I enjoyed forming hypotheses and was delighted when I actually figured out the mystery even if I wasn’t sure if the game was giving me the options for it. It was a fun time, and I’m glad Square Enix is publishing weird little games like this every so often. It’s better than The Quiet Man and NFT shit, anyway…
Very cute! I like the character designs and animation a whole lot. The dialogue lays it on perhaps a little too thick with the puns (and I say this as a dragon quest fan), but it seemed fun enough to be worth going for. I enjoyed the fucked up cyborg rat pirate king and the muscle mommy bartender.
Well, the final demo did what demos are supposed to do and made me pretty dang excited for the game! I was really turned off by the difficulty of the first demo, but they did a good job of balancing it a bit better so it wasn’t overwhelming. I will say that it feels like the battles do take a while, but I imagine things will feel more manageable in the actual game where you can take your time messing around with jobs instead of trying to accomplish what you can within a five hour time limit. Anyway, the characters are charming, and I’m intrigued to see where the story goes and what wild twists and turns the game has in store. The environments, monsters, and character designs are great... but I have to agree with most people’s take that the way the humans are rendered was a mistake. I think they should’ve tried textures more along the lines of the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon remake or FFT:WoL’s CG cutscenes to make them look a little less stiff and doll-like. They’re not really a dealbreaker! I still wanna buy this bad boy. But it doesn’t look great, and I kind of hope in future Bravely endeavors they make some different stylistic decisions when it comes to the character designs. Purchased.
I didn’t play the full demo because I hit the main menu without saving because I thought that might let me save. It didn’t give a “are you sure” warning or like, do any autosaves I think??? Not sure if i screwed something up or not. Anyway I liked this cute little Paper Mario-like, it’s extremely charming and the aesthetics are very good. I’d definitely be interested in playing more, it looks very promising.
This game seems pretty neat! There’s a lot of mystery here, and I’m curious to see where it goes. Though, like, do I need to know the original Blue Reflection to get into this…? Anyway, while the battle system and concept seem interesting, the models seem a little janky. I mean, I’ve dealt with worse, but it’s maybe a little offputting.
Oh this game is cute as heck! It took me a little while to figure out how to properly do the cooking battles, but they’re fun puzzles. I didn’t get that much of a feel for the action parts, but it seemed pretty fun there, too. I also really like the art style and presentation! The characters seem really cute and fun. All in all, this was a great demo and I’d be interested in playing the full game!
The vibes are pretty neat, and I like the art style and atmosphere. It didn't quite grab me that hard, but I do think the vibes are cool enough that I'd consider picking it up maybe perhaps.
I'm not sure how I feel about this one, honestly. It's got a neat vibe, but I do feel like the fights honestly feel like more of a pain in the ass than its obvious inspiration, Undertale. (It's the fly, man. Fuck the fly.) Obviously I know you can choose violence but come on. I feel like it's got a little more mean-spirited vibe than Undertale, but I'd have to play more to be sure and I'm not 100% I'll be doing that...? I mean, I really do like the art direction here. I like Doggy. I don't wanna fight that damn fly though.
This game’s pretty neat, but I’m not sure how much of a picture of the game the demo presents. There’s a nice story here about a family coping with grief, and the art has charming Stardew Valley vibes, but I kind of wonder if the gameplay will get more complicated with the addition of the fairly absent spirit or if it’s just going to be slashing and rolling. I kind of wish the demo was a little meatier than it is, though it did pique my interest a little.
The first level of this one was a fucking blast. It felt like something with a kind of Pizza Tower vibe, though I know Antonball came out a while ago? There's Going Fast, there's fun movement mechanics, the animation and spritework is Real Good. Unfortunately the other level didn't click with me as much because it fell into the trap of Precision Timed Platforming that I don't really fuck with. I wish it hadn't just because it's very fun and chaotic!
Pretty intriguing so far! I remember getting the DS original back in the day but I was a stupid baby so I didn’t get very far. The game looks extremely nice, and I think it’s very cute how they updated the DS lookin’ gadget to a Switch lookin’ gadget. I hope this means the glorious return of CING. Maybe they’ll do a remake of Hotel Dusk so I can play that, too…
This game is extremely anime and i’m not sure if it’s going to be the fun kind or the pejorative kind. I was having an okay-ish time with the story segments but several things set off my No Thanks warning bells, such as the way the one lady’s boobs were drawn and her getting kind of weird about the sweet baby boy protagonist…… but I don’t think the gameplay was compelling enough for me to find out. It kind of felt really bad honestly.


3 years ago

question for followers actually, would it be kind of annoying if i commented on this list whenever i update with a new impression? idk are you all interested in reading my demo impressions in general. I think it's better to stick it in a list than on the game page since it's impressions of demos and not reflective of the actual game.

3 years ago

Updated with my impressions of Project Triangle Strategy’s demo! Who wants to bet that’s just what they call the dang game when they release the full version.

3 years ago

Updated with Summer Catchers. I think the review actually on the page is one I agree with.

3 years ago

Updated with impressions of Werewolf: The Apocalypse - Heart of the Forest. I'm kind of curious what WoD-familiar people think about this one on account of the low rating on the page.

3 years ago

Updated with my impression of PHOGS! AKA Dogdog, I guess.

3 years ago

Updated with my impressions of Raji: An Ancient Epic! Seems Pretty Alright, actually.

3 years ago

Updated with Tangle Tower impressions. I am going to ellipses at you while my long hair blows dramatically in the wind.

3 years ago

Updated with Battle Chef Brigade! Man, this just makes me want a Dungeon Meshi game.

3 years ago

Updated with Monster Hunter Rise! I’m here to pet dogs and fight monsters and I’m all out of monsters.

3 years ago

Played like a minute of World’s End Club and it forced me to admit a private shame. Sorry dudes. This is why I still haven’t played the first dungeon of FF8 after all these years.

3 years ago

Updated with my impressions of Disgaea 6! It seems neat! So many RPGs, though......

3 years ago

Updated with Mythic Ocean! It’s cute!!

3 years ago

I didn’t vibe with the Ys 9 demo. I’m sorry. I still want to give the game a look somehow though.

3 years ago

updated with neo the world ends with you! I need to preorder this bad boy because it’s very exciting!

2 years ago

Updated with Monster Hunter Stories 2! Ma, there’s a weird cat out here!!!

2 years ago

Updated with Samurai Warriors 5! It’s no Pokemon Conquest, but very little is Pokemon Conquest. Musou are fun too.

2 years ago

Unbound: Worlds Apart added! Not feelin it sorry

2 years ago

This comment was deleted

2 years ago

Road 96! Hey it’s politics in my video games. (All art is political.)

2 years ago

Updated with Arietta of Spirits! It’s nice but I wish I knew more about it…..

2 years ago

Tried Ultra Age. I dunno, is this trying to be soulsy?

2 years ago

Tried Wario Ware: Get It Together! Wario is, as usual, the winner.

2 years ago

Updated with Voice of Cards. I don’t know I’m here for Yoko Taro’s (deceptively???) chill ride.

2 years ago

Updated with Unsighted. Am I a bad enough dude to play an isometric action game?

2 years ago

Updated with Hashihime of the Old Book Town! God, what a mood this game is….

1 year ago

Wow I made it to 100 demos! If not necessarily 100 impressions. That will come some other time…

Last updated: