Charming visuals and experience, interesting ressources management mechanics and integration to the gameplay.

A great handheld experience, replayable game with a lot of soul-grinding.

Combat is great, levels are well made, visuals and music goes well with the general atmosphere.

A beautiful ending to the Xenoblade Chronicles saga.

Kotaro Uchikochi did it again.
Very meta, engagin storyline and well-crafted in every ways,
I loved every bit of it !

The King of the run and gun !

Compelling characters, level and bosses, everything is charming in this "love letter to the old cartoons" game.

This game is a pure gem, every influence blended perfectly in this legendary yet so humane story.

This a buddhist-western-beat-them-all-space-opera-QTE-based-(anime)-action-game and I'm so fond of it.

This game is a real tear-jerker, that anybody can relate to.

My only complaint would be that sadly the greatest act of the game (Act IV) is locked beyond a paywall and DLC only, and it takes the story and it's implications so much higher, revealings malicious machinations that were here, since the beggining of the story.

Even the interludes adds so much to the general narrative and the different readings level that you can develop, especially in the end.

A masterpiece in storytelling and a great exemple of how points of view shapes your understanding of a story.