A breathtaking entry in the Final Fantasy franchise.
Story and characters are solid and well made.
Every boss battle is better than the precendent.
Soundtrack is godtier.

A real renaissance of the Fabula Nova Crystalis, all of this fitting inside one PS5 bluray disc.

Excellent remake, superb realisation and optimisation. Capcom did a phenomenal job at reimagining this classic and modernising it, it holds a profound respect towards the original game and convey a new sense of immersion.

One of the best video game I have ever played.
The story, characters and world-building is all excellent.

A must-play for the fans of Xenogears, Final Fantasy VI and VII, Chrono Trigger and all of the JRPG of the Golden Age.

A game that defined a genre and an era.
Even with the cheesyness of is story and gameplay, some of his most profound mechanics and fun stills holds very well to this day.

Even if Doom (2016) was a huge success on almost every level, they just pushed it to another level with this new iteration of the series, and it's a pure pleasure to play and to slay hordes of demons.

A real lesson on level design and player progression, with intriguing RPG elements into the mix !

From excellent combat to a compelling narrative (songs and details), this game remain a timeless classic.

If you play this game someday, do yourself a favor and play the DLC as well, you won't regret it !

A beautiful and engaging A-RPG,
Where the world and various characters feels organic, it's a game where you're actually happy to care and bond with the various people you'll encounter through your aventure on Seiren in the game.

Ys VIII is a game where every element and especially the world portrayed through the prism of the cursed island of Seiren interconnects beautifuly with each other, and the 100% quest just compliment that so well, since the game has a lot to offer for thoses who will take the time to appreciate it.

Personally I was enthralled to complete it as much as possible as the experience that this game has to offer is a singular one,
There is not much A-RPG in this setting and with this particular gameplay mechanics, furthermore, the story portrayed through Adol and Dana point of views is an emotional one, who will stays with you for a long time.

It's a story and game about how as human we can stand proud and advance further when we are together, a story as old and familiar to a lot of JRPGs, but really well-portrayed here, with an awful lot attention to details especially when everything just click together.

To conclude, personally the story and themes of the adventures will continue to resonnate with me.

And I wish that the players who will come across Ys VIII will enjoy their adventure on Seiren Island as much as I did.

This review contains spoilers

A short but compelling game.
A story about life and death,
about lie and enlightment.

The mystery about Evan(s),
The real signifiance of the puzzles all around the island's beach, and even why the game let the player skip them, all in one shapes a short but strong narrative, without any superficial element, concluding in a great reflexion about life, and humanity.

I loved it, and it will always hold a special place in my heart.

Very enjoyable open-world,
a worthy succesor to Breath of the Wild with interesting building mechanics.

The Depths and the Skies Islands were really enjoyable.

The game is generous and doesn't require any DLC to be complete.

An interesting take on the genres the games uses and fun gameplay.


Fun gameplay, beautiful visuals, great coop.