its a gorgeous game and has a nice ending but thats about all it has going for it unfortunately, theres no real gameplay and the exploration is sluggish and generally feels more like a task than anything. the story made me a little emotional at some points l need to be as high on my backlog as it was.


gamers can finally experience joy and bliss

kind of objectively the best in the original trilogy. its devil may cry 3. what can i say.

stylish action classic thats for sure

an unfortunate entry to the series is all i will say

definitely a really unique and interesting game? unfortunately pacing gets fucky later on in the game and a majority of the humour is just dry sex jokes but if murder mystery visual novel puzzle-y type games are your thing i think its worth playing.

all time classic love you forever

wanted to replay for nostalgia value but this game is genuinely fucking impossible to sit through kt is so ridiculously boring i dont know what about this appealed to me back in 2014

you SHOULD play this. dont expect anything when it comes to story though, but you should play this.

pretty average for a zelda game but even so just a generally enjoyable experience as love love

i really want to like this game but i just cant see it as anything other than "alright". the pacing is horrible and the use of switching between two worlds to complete puzzles and progress through the story just leads to complete confusion, i also could not get into the whole 45 playable characters thing as, while their lines are all customised to fit with their personalities, they all just feel entirely hollow, you get their sidestory done and then thats their entirety as a character. i enjoyed the gameplay and i dont think the story is awful but its just not for me.