i am so fuckin good at counting dude

the elf monsters won't stop calling me on my cell phone

people saying this is hard are rly bad at panel de pon. this is like, by a large margin, the easiest panel de pon. that being said, its still quirky and has a large variety of gameplay modes - the renders ripped straight from the anime have aged poorly and have verrryy jagged outlines, but its fun on a crt!

game smells like skating rink pizza

i briefly worked in an office that had contracted with the new york times. on the floor they occupied they had two full size paperboy cabs - i guess to tie in with the newpaper theming and to entertain the employees. paperboy is not a good perk to offer your employees

i much prefer this to lttp, largely bc of the comically bad translation and wacky animal friends

tsk tsk gallant hedgehog

only got groomed on this twice

the devs were very kind and including an infinite money cheat that lets you better roleplay being a medieval landlord

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i really enjoy that you somehow use the dead serial killer's radio to have his ghost teleport you around the town

cool game if you want to be utterly owned by walljumping french preteens

the pressure sensitive controls hurt my hands. a lot. like a lot a lot. there is no way to play this without being in pain. but it is surreal enough to warrant a playthrough regardless

this is the best fishing game on nes, idc what anyone has to say. the kind of tactile way you have to swing your lure into marlin and the rpg leveling features + the 9 different environments keep it varied. and they get so big their bills slam into the concrete when weighed. it rules.

you can talk to a stop sign and it talks back

as a scrum master this game resonated with me on too deep of a level