spent probably $50 on this on a cruise ship. sick boss designs, multiple alternate paths in certain levels for saving civilians... just nuts atmosphere. my favorite lightgun game ever

they had many of these cabs inside disney quest. when it closed, they largely sold all the cabs to cast members at the time. i could have owned one for $200. i get mad thinking about it

i used to play this in a restaurant called beef o' bradys and a kid had lodged burger into one of the coin slots

bizarrely technical sonic racing spinoff why do sonic racing games not just have him running he is so fast

i can distinctly remember begging my parents for an x-guardian subscription. i spelled my character's name wrong

unironically i wish big the cat's mode was more fleshed out. it is the most barebones fishing. you could have straight up ported sega bass fishing mechanics sega you cowards

my grandpa had roughly 13,000 hours in this

game is great to look at but has some mad-tv level unfunny commentary please shut the fuck up

if anyone says they have fully beaten this game please give me your address so i can find you and hunt you down for lying

they should make the audio clip more that would help

this is a great way to experience whiplash in bite sized chunks thanks to the incredible camera

this game made the incredible decision of having holding down select be the button that activates your skateboard

mid, harmless megaman clone harmed by two things

1) you have to cycle through all your special weapons instead of opening them via a window
2) racism

extremely anime megaman clone with v detailed cutscenes for the system and some interesting albeit underutilized mechanics. actually playable unlike the krion conquest