if there's one game i was held to gunpoint to say is the best ever made it would almost definitely be this one

the most replayable game ever made and super foundational
not all the stars are winners and dated in a lot of aspects but still lots of highlights and memorable moments
also you can backwards long jump

its good, novel for a handheld at the time

fun but the blandest out of all the 3d mario games and gets a bit repetitive
multiplayer is fun, if a little chaotic

chance squares are a little lame and for a mario party that claims to be a best of collection and is also $60 it could stand to have more than 5 levels
that being said this is the first playable mario party game theyve made in over a decade

idk melee is pretty great and it does a lot right, but i really dont think i come to smash for perfect physics. i come to smash for fun stages and fun characters, of which this game is (now) a bit lacking and its always just the one with less characters and stages in my mind so i dont pick it up much but still a great time if anyone's willing to play it over ultimate!

i love this game and as broken as it can get, its such a leap forward coming from melee and has so many iconic songs and stages and characters
the subspace emissary is pretty okay but the cutscenes go pretty hard and its a way less monotonous way to unlock all the characters in the game!

sm4sh i think is a better video game than brawl, they refined a lot of the physics so i have to give it 4 stars but otherwise yeah this one plays it very safe, not a super massive leap forward and doesnt include any real story mode. not like i was going to play it anyways but still!

holy fuck, glad i finally got around to this one
this is one of the best games ive ever played, i loved EVERYTHING about it
i never got tired of the combat its super tight and satisfying!
the music is gorgeous, the atmosphere is breathtaking, the story is equal parts entertaining, layered and existential.
there is some crazy shit this game does. some super bold ideas they came up and they are all fucking awesome lol
2b and 9s are also super iconic and it makes me happy knowing the game theyre part of is such an incredible video game!!

rebirth is absolutely dazzling and its so close to being perfect
amazing story, funny dialogue, fun combat, and incredible moment after incredible moment, i had such a fun time exploring the open world and seeing the different locations on the planet esp the gold saucer omg
however that ending though… wtf they couldve just made it a normal ending

woah lol i really got swept off my feet by how charming this game is
amazing art direction, amazing music, amazing rhythm game, incredible replay value

p4 is probably the boldest persona game
definitely more refined gameplay and pacing of the story over its predecessor
i love the cast in this game with the exception of teddie who is perhaps the most annoying character ever made!!

i'd like to believe that i'm not just unhappy with the way the characters developed and that the dysphoria the characters experienced shouldve been resolved in a way that accepted them for who i believe they really are...(gay) (and trans)

bless atlus for providing an even better way of experiencing persona 3, i really loved this
top notch presentation, the new theurgy moves are so sick lol