I remember countless nights playing UNO with my now-wife in college over Skype when we first started dating. This game has that special place to me for that reason

Just as Solitare existed only to teach early PC users how a mouse works, Wii Play served to show how Motion Controls worked. Very fun still.

Tanks was peak and the one thing I return to with this game.

My least favorite entry that I've actually completed.

This one was just not good on 3DS. Haven't replayed on console yet, so my opinion may change. Story beats aside even. KH3 served to better flesh out the time travel mechanics of the Kingdom Hearts universe, but at the time of this game, it was completely out of left field.

Also why in the hell did they think Sora would make a good Xehanort? What were they thinking?

Its Gen 4 alright. Nothing noteable changed. The first pokemon game I completed the dex on, thanks to HOME support and years of catching pokemon in the other games.

Jungle Puddle remains Tokata's best work for me

This game was great growing up. M E L O N

A good platform fighter for sure. Workshop support saved this game from fading to obscurity

Sandbert/Ranno main for life!

I don't even own this game, my friend does

Still, absolutely a blast at parties. All the minigames hit. Specifically the Animal Crossing and Luigi's Mansion games. We will always scream till we are hoarse because of how much fun we always have. I wish it were possible to port to Switch

Peak Gamecube title. Filled with heart, whimsy, emotion. Sound and music design was peak, even if the music looped every 20 seconds.

Final boss encounter was such an epic sequence and payoff to the overall story. Postgame was fantastic, even if it was just more of the same.

I know this one was made for kids, but it was still too baby-level for me.

This one was hard to get through, gen 8 as a whole was just bad

My favorite Kirby game. The best. Chests were worth gathering for either abilities or cosmetics or collectables. Made exploration worth it.


The single greatest Mario Party. No notes

Pirate Land is the best board. Fight me

My factory will never be max efficiency but I suppose that's the point. Great sandbox gameplay. You can go insane trying to make your factory even a single % better

"Don't ask questions you aren't prepared to hear the answer to!" will always be the best response to someone asking me a question. Fantastic platform collect-a-thon. Better than Movie, which is also peak platforming

It was good, although having to play the same game 3 times got old after a while.

The first of Osaka team and their many bad decisions for movement. Command Decks were good, but Re:Coded did it much better.

Story wise, good. World selection, good. Aqua, priceless.