Very well done remake of gen 3! They don't remake em like they used to, that's for sure.

Delta Episode, while short, has some of the best lore of the series. I did want to see Zinnia get her face Hyper Beam'd off by Raquaza like in the manga though, she deserved it

They took DOOM, an already perfect game, and gave it an even better shotgun. No notes. Some of the maps haven't aged the best in terms of level design but those were all made by Sandy Peterson anyway. Romero levels are and always will be peak

The best Kirby game, one of my favorites! Me and my best friend both play this one to this day when we need that hit of nostalgia and childhood memories.


Good FPS that still influences modern ones today. In part because a good portion of engines either use tech from this or the Unreal engine

Nine Inch Nails is also the perfect background music to dark Lovecraftian horrors, so good choice on that one id

Peak Star Wars game, comparable to the Lego series

Shame it's not canon though, damn you Disney

That definitely was a Kirby game. Can't go wrong with them!

My wife and I play this every night

Points deducted for the lack of Pirate Land as a board and for including the boring Mario Party 1 boards

Best Rainbow Road of the whole franchise

So many memories as a kid playing this with my family

Amazing first entry in the series. Inventive gameplay, the time limit felt foreboding and there were actual consequences.

The larger enemies were fun to fight on top of the normal grunts. Well worth a playthrough

Peak childhood right here. Finishing this game was such a satisfying experience

Everyone says this was one of the weaker AC games of the Desmond arc. I disagree, this game was great. Visually stunning for the time, open world was full of things to do and the story was interesting.

One of the better Pokemon games

Exp Share made the games so much faster and better, especially the older I get and the less time I have. Fight me

Didn't play until a year or so after the DLC dropped.

Probably my least favorite entry in the series. It's just devoid of soul. You don't feel that spirit of adventure the other games gave you. It just felt more of the same.

Fantastic tech demo, great callbacks to Sony's library. A fun time!

I think I still am in top 100k for times for the spring jump minigame, which is one of my greatest achievements.