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It took everything I didn't like about Breath of the Wild and fixed it. Fantastic game. I will say though, I thought the ending was very "and everything went back to normal" even though the entire time it was teased that certain actions were forbidden and irreversible. It felt cheap to me. Also I will say the Fire Temple takes the mantle of "Worst Zelda Dungeon" as I had to sequence break the temple, twice. Horrible design


That's it, that's the review. Made me cry. Position #6 of best games of all time for me. Absolute must play

#2 game of all time for me. The amount of hours I've been playing this since 2012 is astronomical. Adolescence defining game.

Pour one out for Maedoria

I will say, this utterly changed the traditional Zelda format but in a great way. The old methodology was starting to grow stale since Twilight Princess.

Story and VA, much like in its sequel leaves much to be desired

#48 of my top 50 games

Extremely innovative RPG, fantastic art style and music. If you can ignore fandoms please play this game. It is worth it, I promise

"Despite everything, it's still you" will forever be a line that kept me going through the worst depression


Fantastic Rougelike and dungeon crawler. My childhood go-to for hours of fun with no internet access.

#19 of 50 for me. It's only $8 on Steam and only needs minimal INI edits to get working on modern systems. DO IT

Perfect game. My all time favorite game, literally no notes.

Probably the most formative game of my early teen/High School life. I made lifetime friends from this game, this game is my comfort when it seems like everything around me is darkness. I still cry thinking about what this game means to me, even years later.

Great game, file this one under "Weird Atlus Shit that gets Overlooked." Great musical score, interesting but simple gameplay. Not a lot for replayability but still a good time

I will say, you're gonna want to emulate this one. A copy on Ebay goes for $600, which is WILD to me.

#18 of top 50

One of the best Humongous Entertainment point and clicks by far. Literal childhood. I can vibe to the music even now at 27; it's what I put on when I need to relax during a panic.

#13 of top 50

Perfect 3D Mario game. I still remember the midnight release in college, and then promptly staying up the entire weekend playing it.

One of many Games to Make Me Cry for just the ending sequence. It lives up to the Odyssey name. Much like the journey of Odysseus, Mario's Journey through this game is just as important as the final destination

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#12 of top 50 for me

Flawless game, a masterwork of story, action, music, and setpieces. This game made me cry so many times, but all were happy tears.

The pivotal moment for me was Atreus and Kratos having a heart to heart in Hel. That scene broke me completely

Best Pokemon game since Gen 4 itself. Why can't every other game feel like this?

Probably my first video game I played apart from Humongous Entertainment Point and Clicks and Harvest Moon 64. Aged like fine wine.

#21 of top 50

It took me 8 A presses and 1 PU to write this review

As the title says, its the Ultimate Smash experience. Masterfull casual game

Arguably the best Modern Fallout game. If you gave me the gunplay of 4 with the story and RPG elements of New Vegas I would be set for life.

#4 of 50