God this one is bad. You can tell it was Bethesda's attempt to cash in on the Overwatch craze using Doom 2016's Multiplayer engine but it just completely misses. Most of the weapons are not even worth picking up honestly, let alone use. Souless cash grab, complete with TIERED lootboxes that offer 1-3 rewards based on their tier ON TOP OF a battlepass. Just monetization on top of more monitization.

I will award one star for the lore they add onto Doomguy and the fact they gave the Doom 3 Marine design some love as a cosmetic in this game. Doesn't help the overall presentation, but I liked it enough

Episode 1 Review: Deus Ex meets crime noir. Amazing game, and its only going to get better from here!

Worth taking your time to explore the levels to find secrets and other bonus goodies. Some of the weapons are extremely helpful in these situations so checking every nook and cranny is a must. Can't wait for episodes 2 and 3 to drop.

10/10, 100/100 Episode. Will update when Ep 2 and 3 drop eventually

An absolute masterpiece that I have to shelve for now. Its too much for me. I'm happy just finishing Act 1 for right now. So much of what makes D&D such an amazing game to run, they really did think of everything when designing this game in terms of what you are able to do with just about EVERYTHING in the world.

I wish whoever decided to keep the egregiously bad level curve in from OG gen 2 to sit on a spike mace.

Playing this one right after Crystal made me have an appreciation for what they did for this to be a proper remake. For sure the way to play through Gen 2; I regret never playing this when it released as I know I would have been able to fill in the Kanto and Johoto pokemon way easier and actually complete the pokedex way faster.

All in all, an okay time. Gen 3 is still be best in my opinion, Gen 4 is just too damn slow for battles.

What an amazing game, goofy yet immersive survival horror. Bleeds Resident Evil through and through, and that's what makes the game so good. Amazing inventory management, great puzzles, just a fun game.

I will say, the final boss can be cheesed (which actually is needed for the best ending) and the last boss area felt super weak compared to the rest of the game but the best possible ending made it far worth the slight miss. Definitely worth a play if you are big into Resident Evil and similar survival horrors.

This is the only other real gacha besides Final Fantasy: Brave Exvius that I actually can get into. Its surprisingly good! You do get microtransactions shoved in your face in the form of ads that appear after certain milestones are met (clearing a chapter of the story for instance), but these are the only thing I would consider intrusive to the gameplay, and they can be completely ignored.

What this game, in particular, does better than Brave Exvius is the auto battle system. Just about everything can be set to auto and you can sit back while your Nikke do the work. Does this then reduce the gameplay to simply "Big number do good"? Yes, but even if you were manually battling it would still boil down to this anyway.

I still refuse to spend any money on it, because I don't feel as though you need to. All the premium currency you earn as you play, in a fair and balanced matter.

Overall, well worth a try casually

About the only iconic part of this game is the OST, the perfect level of Vaporwave and Mallwave goodness. Additionally, one of those Renderware games that impresses technologically for 2003, but is severely lacking in sufficient gameplay. Imagine having to research 4 different kinds of staff before you even come close to unlocking garbage cans as place-able mall objects. This game also comes with absolutely NO TUTORIAL so unless you figure it out on your own like I did good luck to you.

The progression in this sandbox is baffling. The scenarios on occasion come with some things unlocked but they're so difficult its tough to be able to enjoy the experience.

Played this as a kid and figured I'd give it a replay to try and complete it this time around. What a mistake.

Do not recommend if you are an adult with adult responsibilities. The villagers need constant babysitting due to having the intelligence of rocks. My closest of 4 attempts made all died out because they did not continually grow food for themselves, they just gave up.

A prime example of mid 2000's Walmart shovelware

Amazing game with great monetization, doesn't feel like a grind at all

(Definitely not because they have a helmet that looks like an NCR trooper that is easily able to get even with the premium currency, no sir)

I made it to about halfway through part 2 and I just can't keep going for now. This game's first part was a fun time, I enjoyed the shooting mechanics and bullet time. The enemy placement was fair and balanced. The level design was great, the opening Roscoe Street Station was fantastic. And then part 2 happened.

I have gone on record with several games saying that if it causes me to beat my head against the wall replaying the same hallway over and over I would hate it. That is the case for this game. Max can't shoot the side of a barn while enemies have laser-focused accuracy. The levels in part 2 become cramped hallways that give you no room to avoid shots. Grenades from Nowhere only add to my frustrations while giving me nowhere to dodge or evade them.

Its alright I guess. Weakest of the Freddi Fish entries, which themselves are the weakest franchise in Humongeous Entertainment. You can tell the series was still in its infancy in the Point and Click space, as the layout of things was way sporadic. Half of the locations and items aren't needed, yet still exist as things to get/do. At least with future games they learned how to code specific scenarios where unneeded things are omitted from the story entirely.

I always played the same demo on every other HE game I owned so half of the game I had committed to muscle memory at this point. Still a decent check off the list however.

Baby's First Kings Quest

I played the 1987 Release and not deluxe, regardless this would be a perfect game for children who just learned how to read but not yet old enough to fully grasp memory. It gave 4 year old me hours on hours of lost wandering; 28 year old me not so much

Such a short microgame that I can't justify something higher than 3 stars. Extremely basic, controls are just adjusting angle and coordinates and then taking the occasional picture.

The lore is what made this game so popular, that and the fact that the biggest youtuber ever fell in love with the game and decided, "Hey, you could make a movie out of this..."

I love Dave Syzmanski's games and this fits his niche of just short form horror games that would be fun at a Halloween Party


Another solid entry for Games to Make Me Cry, Stray is an experience. Simplistic gameplay that can be completed quickly, but this makes sense given the fact you are a cat. Well worth playing and going through, especially for cat lovers. All of the areas you explore on your journey feel alive, and have a mix of Portal, Nier Automata, and Cyberpunk feel to them. Completing the game's few side quests/challenges are rewarding in their own right and work to flesh out the universe that much more, in a game that clearly prides itself on the artistic aspects of what make games good. Well worth a play in my opinion.

Meow (=^‥^=)

A really solid boomer shooter, made by a SOLO DEV. Holy hell. This was a solid time, full of good mix of action and suspensefull setpieces.

A very quick play for just a single episode and an interlude level, it left me wanting more from it. Which is the point honestly. For sure play this one if you enjoy games like DUSK or Blood. I enjoyed the gunplay with all the different kinds of weapons available. The best part was throwing TNT is the best method of ammo conservation which is just hilarious to me, and so satisfying.

I will continue to update this as more episodes come out, but whats on offer as of right now is solid enough to pick up and play right now. Highly recommend!