This is what I would consider the best of the meh games offered by Humongous Entertainment (see my list for the full ranking). It's on the border of okay to good, leaning more okay.

I'm glad I am part of the consensus that this is the weakest entry for Spy Fox. This was the start of Humongous Entertainment's downfall after being bought out by Infogrames and it shows a little. The simple charm of the older titles isn't as present in this game, but it's still fun nonetheless.

A good, GOOD game. The best Putt Putt by far. Very inventive story with decent replay ability. I always thought the Future was the best section of the game, while the King Arthur area being the weakest but still being pretty good.

Mr. Firebird should be sent to a crusher with how often he endangers Putt Putt in this series tbh

This one is just okay. Freddi Fish is for sure a hit or miss series, same with Putt Putt. It's fun, don't get me wrong, but not one that I find myself always going back to like Pajama Sam or Spy Fox

Not as memorable to me as the other entries in the series; probably owing to the fact I played this one later on in life. Still a fun time though

Best Spy Fox entry in the series, an instant classic. I think the most notable part of Spy Fox vs the other entries in Humongous Entertainment's library is the characters. Way more depth than you would think, all puns too. I find myself coming back to this one over most of the other games; its simply just that high of caliber

"Hey kids, its Spaghetti on a Stick!"

It isn't Pajama Sam 2 but it's still a fantastic game. Good lesson to be had with this one too about nutrition and taking care of yourself. I will admit, I didn't pick up on the fact all the landmarks and areas were part of Sam's body until very recently. The heart being a central hub to the different areas should have been a dead giveaway...

I don't care how degenerate I sound, Florette is a baddie and I will die on this hill!

My first EVER PC game that I played when I was ~4 years old. Has all the charm you would expect from a 90s adventure game made for small kids. Super accessible with decent replayability as certain events can be different every time (as is the case with a lot of the Humongous Entertainment series of games). Soundtrack is great, it's no Pajama Sam but it has that Hawaiian/Caribbean vibe you would expect from the Ocean.

This was also my first exposure to Gallagher and his genre of comedy via a clickable gag. RIP to a legend

A friend and I once spent 3 hours of our lives trying to get this game working on modern windows from an ISO, in a bold attempt to revisit a game we reference as an inside joke. Worth every moment.

While I don't have the same nostalgia he has for this game (having grown up with the game) it still remains a cornerstone of our friendship. A very good late 90s Point and Click horror game. Good in-engine jump scares with that perfect amount of B-rated horror gags (over the top blood, apparitions, the like). Great sound design and soundtrack (the elevator midi rivals that of the save rooms from Resident Evil).

It is, as they say, a beachball. Worth a try

Let me first preface, I have had this game since the 2000s when it released. I have such nostalgia with this game because of that I considered it one of my favorites, despite never finishing it or even getting halfway through (I only ever got to the Pirate boss before getting stuck). I would push it onto my friends and go "You gotta play this one, its great!" After finally sitting down and realizing I never truly finished this game, I realized that needed to change.

Lord how wrong I was

This game has aged, badly. While the textures and visuals are spot on and great, the overall gameplay and presentation has suffered greatly. Levels, while designed well with some fun and interesting setpieces that compliment the worlds they reside in, have borderline unfair platforming segments designed to either throw you or your ball off. As an example; in Carnival 2 you encounter a set of swinging ships separated by a gap, your options are either to a) dribble the ball or b) slap the ball across. Both of these are valid ways around; however, the ships are asyncronously swinging opposite and at a speed that rivals even the most insane carnival ride. Platforming difficulty is on an exponential curve that kicks in right after the first world, Atlantis. That is the only passable area with nothing of note to say bad on. Prehistoric, another world, can 100% go to hell. Horrible, the worst of 90s platforming.

Platforming aside, the end of area bosses vary on simple to near impossible. Fuck those monkeys at the end of Pirate. I felt nothing as my gloved hand came down to finally right a 20 year wrong by flattening that giant orangutan bastard. The other boss that drove me insane was The Tower of Fear's Frankenstein boss. Tight platforming (both with and without ball) mixed with a puzzle mixed with insta-death attacks for your ball; all drawn out over 10 minutes while you wait for a platform to stop being electrified.

At the end of it all, I didn't really feel any pride or sense of accomplishment finishing this one. There was nothing. All sense of nostalgia I had with this game is now gone, burned away like so many of my deaths by lava from shitty physics and camera angles.

My first and only Harvest Moon

Amazing game. Beautiful art direction. Good models. Popourri is best girl by far.

Outback Al should have been fired on the spot due to negligence

It's decent, linear story but still good

Pigeon Mission would have sent this over the edge though

A repack of publicly available WADs at the time.

One of the map makers for TNT Evilution went on to work at Valve and helped make Half Life, so, that's something