I played this one later on in life only having played 2 and 3

Its alright, especially for a first one in the series. Good life lessons to be had in this.

Simcity 2015 WISHES it were this good. Such a great game

A good movie tie-in game. Well done controls. Shooting a grenade off someone and it go off will never not be satisfying

I mean, if you don't have any Kingdom Hearts games I can't recommend this pack enough for you

A great shooter using the full power of the Source engine

Making Bob Ross art on here is both a challenge and a satisfying experience. Music is the best for background noise.

Going apeshit (pun intended) on those bongos to get max combos was more fun than I thought would be possible

A great platformer

GTA clone with motion controls set in the 40s with FarCry style base capturing as optional content. Fantastic game

Thy Flesh Consumed is hard, but for a reason. It needed to be

Its fucking DOOM for the love of god. All of them are good

My wife's favorite. Pretty good in my eyes too

RCT 1 but better

OpenRCT2 is the ultimate way to play this as well as the scenarios/content from RCT1 as well

It filled a few month gap while I waited for New Horizons.

Not the best

Summer of Sophomore Year of High School will never be the same without this game. Memories