Summer of Sophomore Year of High School will never be the same without this game. Memories

An okay port, if they didn't utterly ruin the physics of the original games

Really good Animal Crossing game. The City theme still stays with me even today. Such a fantastic entry in the series

Amazing DLC for an amazing Game!

Doesn't overstay its welcome at all. The new weapons are amazing to use, and its great they backported them to the base game

"Terra resisted the call of darkness"

I think tf not

The best PC game during the 98/XP era. Countless hours, fantastic musical score, inventive gameplay. One of the greatest simulators ever made

My first Pokemon experience. A great foray into the world of Pokemon. And the rest they say, is history!

Fantastic DLC that redeemed fan perception of base KH3. Well made super bosses. Kairi redemption arc. The 2 best keyblades with the best formchanges. YOZORA.

Good, good, GOOD

Wonderful combat mechanics, simply the best implementation of the command deck style of games. Better graphics than 358/2 which is saying something for the DS. Boss encounters were very well designed, even the rail shooter or 2D ones

Story-wise, this added nothing major to the story at all. Nothing but filler. Almost like Nomura was drunk when he came up with it ;)

(The joke here is he was drunk)

Inventive puzzle gameplay, with dating sim thrown in for color. Fantastic music and great art.

Celeste is the best waifu

A good movie tie-in game. Still good though, even if Battle for Bikini Bottom was better

Catgirl Aqua. I rest my case

(In all seriousness a good tech demo for an engine Square would eventually drop for Unreal Engine 4 for KH3 which was the best decision. Terra and Ven looked awful in this lighting engine)

That's some good BoomShoot right there.

If only Randy Pitchford wasn't such a greaseball and holds this franchise hostage

Its not Hit-and-Run, not by a longshot. Still a great game though.

Introduced me to Scorpions and Rock you like a Hurricane. So there's something