To me, this is the current pinnacle of gaming. Intelligent storytelling, meaningful choices, an unforgettable world, and outstanding cast of characters.

In the lead-up to this game, I was so disappointed by 3 and what it did to the Fallout franchise that I was sure Obsidian couldn't turn it around, especially when they were using the same engine... and I've never been happier to be wrong.

I still find it weird that modern 2D fighters shy away from a perfect template which exists right here. From the parry system to its generous frame links, there are so many opportunities for thrilling matches.

Besides that, there are a plethora of great creative decisions, such as the animation and the abundance of new characters. Street Fighter needed to evolve and this was the way to do it. It deserves no less than a perfect score.

Would score higher if not for numerous ways to fail.

Nice voice acting, bad everything else. PSP version is way better.

Could be faster but still good.

Could be faster but still good.

Average game but I still hear Romi Park whenever I see Giorno.

Too damn hard, still good though.

Ignore the mediocre fighting game, play the awesome Diablo knockoff mode instead.

Do yourself a favour and just play the SMS version instead.

Not the worst thing France has ever produced but definitely noteworthy.