Letting fans take control of your work usually doesn't end well. In this case, I wish it happened more often.

Ace Attorney was outstanding but where else could the contradiction-spotting style of visual novel go? The answer is Danganronpa.

It's hard to praise without spoiling its many mysteries so if you're lucky enough not to know anything, go play it right away.

iNiS had such a good formula here, it's hard to fathom why it didn't carry on to the 3DS.

Community content on Osu! (2007) tends to fall short of a few things which made Ouendan so enjoyable - such as the cutscenes, characters, dual screen, screen-tapping, and uplifting music (it's about hot-blooded cheerleading after all.) Well, it's all here at your disposal, so what are you waiting for?

This was a game made with the DS in mind and took full advantage of the hardware to deliver a stellar product. The original wasn't bad but this took the lessons learned from Elite Beat Agents (2006) and cranked it up to 11.

It's a quintessentially Japanese product and the theme works extremely well in its favour. It's understandable that it lacks broader appeal but honestly, nothing you can substitute it for works quite as well, which is something its predecessor learned the hard way.

It also has the distinction of being the only game to make me jam out to a soccer anthem. It's that powerful.

The backtracking... Good lord, the backtracking.

Great idea, bad execution. You can pigeonhole yourself into making some puzzles unsolvable and while the lack of lucidity is great for the narrative, it hurts the gameplay.

Still interesting and worth playing, but bring a walkthrough.

Make all but one character defend, thank me later.

I'm gonna say it: this is better than 16-bit. The level design, aesthetics, climax, and handling of the chaos emeralds make this a much more enjoyable package overall.

Even comparing it to other 8-bit platformers, the controls are tight, the challenges are always fair, and even stages within the same world have variety.

I am of course referring to the SMS version. Sonic's missing nose in the GG version always bothered me.

Basic combat but at least they got rid of the weird sex robot thing. It's okay, I guess.

This platformer-meets-RPG is so charming in its ideas and presentation that it's unbelievable how few people have tried to rip it off. Even the sequels fell short of it in some way - possibly because such a game was designed for arcades.

Lackluster translation aside, I can't fault it for anything. It really is some of the most fun you can have alone at a cabinet.

I think this was the reskinned Rollercoaster port? Still good though.

I wanted to love this more than I did.

Would rate higher if A and B weren't flipped around.

Scholar of the First Sin made this so much better.


This game is ruined by the precision the hammer requires.