the story peaks insanely hard at the final act. before that the game was alright to good but it was worth playing through to reach peak.

Peak fiction, goat, raw, fire

Everything is an upgrade, the UI is godlike, the gameplay is soo much better now with party control and the sick theurgy abilities but my favorite changes are probably the social links!! most of the social links in the original were pretty meh/forgettable but the voices add so much personality and make them memorable especially Yuko, her voice is amazing and ofc that ending.. The original made me cry but this one had me full on ugly crying, it was incredibly beautiful and sad at the same time

unfortunate there's no femc but overall a great remake of a game that needed one 10/10

I understand this game was one of the first video games that had voice acting and I still somewhat enjoyed the story but man, whenever a line got that goofy ass speedup which was pretty often, it just took me out of the scene, especially the emotional ones.

That really is only the major flaw I had with the game but everything else is solid to great, the music (the original one), the gameplay are rock solid and the visuals too, even if it was remastered still looks really good.

Cool theme and setting but it felt pretty bad gameplay wise. Elijah wasn't that interesting and bugs toward the end kinda took me out of it.

The final section of this game is incredible. What I thought was an unsatisfying end to the climax turned out to be peak fiction.

ryuji, majima saga, and the cabaret club carry this game

The story was alright, it's nothing special but it had cool cutscenes for a ps2 game.

The gameplay actually surprised me, I thought it was gonna be some jank but it actually feels pretty good to play. Shame about the spongy enemies tho lol

I thought there were a bit too many puzzle and platforming sections (some were super annoying) in this game. I expected more bosses based on the series' reputation (or the name of the game)

You can tell this is the first game in the series. Beginning and end of the main story were p good but the middle was all over the place. substories were forgettable too.

i cant remember anything about the story

everything is great except the gameplay