You remember 2020? Neither do I. All I know is that I had an intense HLVRAI fixation and this game was one of many that I played during that fixation. Fun game! Glad to see it gets love to this day.

By far my favorite game out of all the Half Life games, I'm not even joking. I hope we get to see Adrian Shepard get out of stasis someday, poor guy.

Distinct memory of playing this game in an after school daycare in Intermediate. Which, ancient game to be introducing to all these 5th-6th graders. Best stage to annoy my friend was the blue blazes of whatever f-zero stage it's called. Hope to play it again someday.

I need to finish this game, the graphics and stages are so fun and the music is beautiful. Save states are your best friend forever for this game, btw.

Great foundations to a series that bloomed into something wonderful. It has all the funny ace attorney things you've seen on the internet. It will make you realize that people aren't exactly off the shits when you see how Wright and Edgeworth interact with each other. I only wish we saw the forensic mechanics again for the rest of the trilogy, but it is what it is. Play it when possible.

IT'S FUN BUT IM BAD AT IT. I gave my copy to a cousin that enjoyed it far more than me. I think she still has it. And my copy of Mario and Luigi: Partners in Time.

Best played with another friend and with dinner their mom made. The scent of it still sticks with me, along with all the memories we had. It's a bitter sweet game, and I'd love to see the whole story through sometime.

Welcome to City 17!
Jokes and many, many memes aside, its a fun game that greatly improves on Half Life's original mechanics. Even now it's a great example of environmental story telling and being able to take advantage of physics and your surroundings. Definitely play it when you get the chance.

This game, man. It has one of the worst middle cases ever, but knocks it out of the park with it's final case. It's a nice bowtie (for now) on the legacy of people, their parental figures, and how it effects their children. And how they get to choose what to do with it. The character dynamics are great in this game, seriously one of the best in the series. A bit of a pain to get through, but it's well worth it.
Play the DS version and gun for the bad ending for a funny translation error.

The song " The fragrance of dark coffee" (the orchestra version specifically) sticks with me, as it's a song I'd constantly listen to. Usually while drinking my high school's iced coffee while studying for my AP class. Those memories are short lived, but nice all around.

The game has big ambitions, tying what it's built up so far with it's characters and creating a bombastic final trial. It falls short with some characters, along with a few translation errors from Godot towards the end, but it's a nice bow tie on the trilogy.
Play it when possible, it's a great game.

What to say about this game without spoiling everything about what makes it great?
It's about being a ghost and doing tricks! Obviously it's about death. About relationships and how each action can affect the other, good or bad. It's about second chances and trying again, no matter how many times it takes.
It's a great game, though it does deal a lot with the death of pets if that bothers anyone. I highly recommend playing it if you're able to.
Anyways, play Ghost Trick.

Nice QOL stuff and additions to the late game, but wow does it gut the story. Especially between Lillie and Lusamine. It really could've been done better, without having to cut their story short to make way for Necrozma and the other Ultra Beast stuff.

It's nice as a party game, don't play it very often though.

The only thing interesting was the newer characters. It shouldn't have forced Phoenix back to the spotlight, rather let Apollo and Athena have their time to shine. Best part was Simon Blackquill and Detective Fullbright. One major thing that bugged me was not being able to investigate all the items in a room. That lost a big part of the charm for me.

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New game mechanics make this one very interesting, I do think Capcom is a coward for not making more of their major characters have darker skin. It's in South East Asia, it should not be that hard. I do think they could do Rayfa's design better as well. At least the Wright Anything Agency can add "Overthrowing a government" to it's list.