NGL I can't for the life of me play/complete this game. And that's OK.

I recommend BoTW to others but it's not for me.

Platform fighters aren't my thing but damn I wish all fighters have this game's mass of singleplayer content.

Ah Final Fantasy 7, I wish I could rate you higher but FF6, FF9 and FF8 exist.

Don't get me wrong Final Fantasy 7 is THE standard for what to expect in a JRPG..... in the eyes of people who haven't played Dragon Quest III, Breath of Fire, Luna The Silver Star, Final Fantasy IV, Final Fantasy VI, .... you get the point.

At this point, FF7 is very overpraised in the western sphere of gaming.

The New Vegas - Trans pipeline is real.

Jokes aside Bethesda wishes they would be just as captivating and engaging as New Vegas compared to the oversimplified Good/Evil dynamique of FO3.

Recommended for Gundam UC lore fans, and people with cash to kill.

F2P, Gacha, third-person shooter, with Rock-Paper-Scissor power dynamics gameplay.

You've been warned with how grindy it can be this game for ressources.

Not as bad as everyone has said about it, honestly.

Good lord the amount of time I've spent in both PC and the handsome édition for PS4.

Fun gunplay, chaotic. Just mute the voice volume.

Another game I played while "stuck" during the first-wave of the COVID-19 pandemic of 2020.

Talk about arriving at the right place in the right time with this one, wow.
Fantastic soundtrack as always, very cosy casual gaming of tend errands, collecting fossils, painting, bugs and fishes for the Museum, paying your ever so growing debt with the Nook himself, Tom Nook, and socialising with the animal villagers and other players.

High recommendation.

I wish those 20 player PVE servers were back. It was game breaking but who cares, it was stupid fun, especially with add-ons.

Excellent tech dev for the Nintendo Wii.
Had so much playing it with the family

Both Rising Storm 2 and Red Orchestra 2 spoiled my former love for the Battlefield franchise (unless we count Forgotten Hope 2).

Rising Storm 2 really stroke a good balance between Mil-Sim and arcadey style team-based FPS.

The asymmetry between the US/ANZAC/ARVN forces and the NLF/PAVN is fun as heck and pretty balanced imo, except, of course pre-1975 Battle of Saigon in campaign mode, iykyk.

Boy I thought this is going to be somekind of Elden Ring like game, but I get a hecking by-the-numbers Open World experience (ie: generic Ubisoft adventure games) that I dreaded to experience again.

Marked it a little lower due to the literal PS1-ripped voices for Door to Phantomile.

But you can't skip this remaster bundle, recommended for fans of platformers.

I expected an easy going, cozy, adventure game with Jim Henson's the Muppets-like characters and creatures, in the end, I got an easy going, cozy, adventure game with Jim Henson's the Muppets-like characters and creatures but with body horror.

A surprise to be sure, but a welcomed one.