After spending hours on the previous one on the PS2, I was delighted to find there was a sequel. It was a huge upgrade for me, given that I played TFUI one the previous console. The stages and the setpieces were really beautiful for the time it launched. However it is REALLY short, almost to the point it feels unfinished.
I wish they went on with the Starkiller saga.

One of the best games of its generation. I was a souls-fan before Bloodborne, but this game really fullfiled all my expectations, and some more. The atmosphere throughout the game is unique, mixing victorian and lovecraftian horror. The more fast paced combat in addition to the rally mechanic make it more engaging and thrilling. Most of the bosses are really memorable and unique and they provide a fair challenge. The soundtrack is amazing. DLC is a must-have as well, providing more amazing and complex bosses, areas and lore.
I feel like the PVP more shallow compared to other soulslike, as it often comes down to parry-spam. Despite that it is the game that got me into PVP the most.
Enjoy the hunt!

This game took everything that made ACII amazing and improved upon it. It didn't stray too much from the previous formula, taking less risks than it could have. But it is a fantastic game. Better graphics, greater setpieces, more quests, the ability to replay missions..... and of course an engaging story.
In addition the multiplayer was really fun.

I think it is often regarded as the worst of the trilogy, but it holds a special place in my heart. I love the way it unravels the stories of Ezio and Altair simultaneously. I love the beautiful soundtrack as well. However I get that it followed a very safe path, not taking enough risks and not improving that much over the two previous games. I like Constantinopole, although it has less variety in areas compared to Rome. The den defence system is really boring. The PVP is much better than the one we got in ACB.

Some thoughts after one playthrough and the ng+ cleanup for the platinum; a really nice metroid-vania game. Each area felt distinct. However as the game went on, the challenge significantly dropped. I opted for a strength first build, as I usually do with this games. Upgrading to the max Kureimoa and a heavy armor I was able to steam through the later half of the game. I'll test it some other time with another build. The bosses had nice movesets and never felt cheap. The mobs felt a little underwhelming.
Overall a game that I would recommend and one that I will replay for sure.

Final thoughts after obtaining the platinum: a really beautiful game and arelaxing experience. The puzzles with the yarn felt unique at first but they got repetitive until the end. Excluding some unique setpieces (like the crows or the various machines etc.) or the other puzzles were pretty much the same. The story was ok..

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First time playing RoB and my first Castlevania game. I was not enjoying it when it first started. The controls felt to stif, you commited early to your movements and your jumps. However after the Minotaur bossfight I felt that everything just clicked. You learn the enemy positions, you learn the boss attacks and how to avoid them. You don't have to use Maria, but after replaying some normal-path stages with her, she makes the game much easier. The soundtrack is awsomeand I loved the backgrounds and the art-style. It shows its age, mainly through the controls, but if you push through some rough first stages, I believe you can enjoy a very beautiful and enjoyable game.

First time playing the game after hearing so much about it. I went in as blind as I could, after finishing Rondo of Blood. I have to say it really lives up to its name. I can see that other games have picked up SotN's legacy and and built on it.
First of all the art style and the atmosphere of most of its areas are gorgeous and unique. You can understand instantly where you are on the map.The castle felt like a living and place and I enjoyed exploring every inch of it. Mechanically, Alucard's control is so much smoother than Richter's, even compared to this-games-Richter, but especially compared to its prequel. I could really feel the difference between a vampire and a human. I also liked the Rpg elements, although some weapons felt game breaking easy. I also liked how the bosses developed over the year, having a little bit more complex movesets.
Some cons are the outdated menu, although I get that its ok for its time. Also, ever if the soundtrack overall was really good, some tracks felt out-of- touch with some areas.
All in all it is an excellent game and I recommend to everyone to at least try it once, if not finishing it.

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Just finished the game and got the platinum on the second hardest difficulty. It is an amazing game. I loved the flow of the combat, the web- swinging (epsecially without the assist) and I loved the darker tone of the story. The Venom gameplay was an amazing surprise and I just want more!
The new abilities were really good, except the mechanical Spider-arms, which felt a bit underwhelming. I would also love if you could toggle the Symbiote abilities back to black after the story, just for fun. The suits were ok, I've always liked the black suit and I also like Insomniac's take on it. The anti- Venom suit was a bit more underwhelming. Maybe it would cooler if, at least for a part of the game it was more than just a suit... And that brings us to the story. I really liked it, especially the Kraven part. I would love a proper fight between Kraven and no-black-suit Spider-man, before Peter getting stabbed. In addition the part after Kraven's death felt a bit quick. I don't like neverending, bloated games that include content just to add extra play time, but this is a game that felt like it needed something more to make it a masterpiece. And I refer both to the story and the side-content.
I played most of the side-missions the moment the became available and I cleared the map at my own pace. Although the map is now aproximately twice the size, the activities felt roughly the same. And of course I don't mean that I needed 25 crimes to complete each area. I think it needed more side-missions and bosses. More substantial content.
To conclude, it is a fantastic game and I hiighly recommend it to anyone. I will definetely replay it, maybe close to the release of the DLCs. However a slightly bigger story, more side- stories and maybe some more time in the oven could've really benefited it.

Really beautiful expasion, but really short. The scenery is gorgeous and some quests are really cinematic. However the whole experience felt lacking. It needed more story, more side quests and more new machines. It worths a try, but it would leave a bitter taste if I paid a full 20 for this....

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Hogwarts Legacy is the game I enjoyed the most this last year. I loved the castle, the exploration and the passion that went into building this world. I was running around Hogwarts and Hogsmeade trying to experience everything. In addition, I liked the gameplay as it was really flashy and it made you feel really powerful.
However I cannot award it with more than 3,5 stars. There are a lot of good things in this game, but they all seem unfinished. The potions, the plants, the spells, the broom- flying challenges, even the story. They reached their peak too soon, leaving more to be desired.
I completed my first playthrough and 100% the game. And although its flaws I will return and replay the game 2 more times for the platinum with other houses. And I know that I'm going to enjoy it.

A truly fantastic DLC. You know, I'm not something of a Roguelite- enthusiast myself, but I enjoyed this one. The cutscenes kept me coming back for more and I kept playing even after the end of the end of the story.
I recommend it!

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Pretty difficult game. Needed several attempts just getting used to each stage. And the final gaunlets of enemies and bosses were brutal. The satisfaction after getting over a hard part however is worth it.
I really enjoyed the beggining of the series.

First time playing this classic and I really liked it. It feels like a step up from the first one and a much smoother experience.

The best one so far, in my opinion of course. Not as difficult as the previous ones, but the experience felt much smoother and with no steep difficulty spikes. I really liked the Robot Masters, as well as their weapons. It was the first time I used almost all of them during some stages.