511 Reviews liked by slibslime

Resident Evil 5 is a shitty horror game, but a great action game. Resident Evil 7 is a great horror game, but a shitty action game. So it only makes sense that inbetween them would be Resident Evil 6, which is shitty at both.
Despite my opening statement, I don't think Resident Evil 6 is a bad game. In fact, I may even say its a good one - just kidding. It kinda sucks. But even then playing through with my boyfriend I had a good time. We started Jake and Sherry's campaign first and despite dragging it was honestly quite fun and we enjoyed how stupid and ridiculous it was, and both characters were interesting to watch. The first two chapters of Leon's campaign were genuinely awesome and easily the best part of the whole game. Resident Evil 6 also finally added the ability to walk and aim at the same time (thank fuck) and has a mostly unnecessary but fun sliding and crawling mechanic. That's kinda the last of my praise though, as for every part of 6 that was enjoyable, there were about five other missteps just around the corner
Firstly, the UI is hideous. Its disgusting even. Idk what they were going for but it makes me physically cringe to look at. Second, the gunplay feels very off. None of the guns have any real weight or kick to them and it just wasnt very fun to shoot things (which as you can imagine, is most of what the game entails) Thirdly, there's an absurd amount of QTE's everywhere that were just as annoying as they were in past games. On top of that weapon upgrades have been completely replaced by skill points, which not only means you have the same crappy guns the whole time but also now the little skill points are found all over the place in crates. This causes two problems. Since Re6 throws so many enemies at you, it became one of the only games in the series where I actually ran out of ammo, so opening crates with skill points instead of something actually useful was less than ideal. The other major issue is that these skills both effect so little and you progress so slowly that its not even worth it. Moving on from that Chris' campaign is technically better than Jake's as its not as silly and over the top but that just ends up making it a worse experience as now its just boring action instead of funny action. But thats all boring stuff really. The real issue here is the Co-op. I believe Re5 is one of the best co op experiences of all time. 6 is well... far from that. The only good thing about it is that it makes the game bearable (the AI is awful, please reconsider if you plan to play this solo) Otherwise it feels like they went halfsies on it. Loot is no longer shared, you can't give items to your teammate. At most you can open doors with them or save them from attacks. It makes the experience feel a lot less personal and connected. No greater example of this can be found other than in Ada's playthrough. For some reason hers was designed to be solo'd (in a game where co-op is so heavily pushed?). But need not worry, they added in Agent, a voiceless purposeless ghost that is so poorly implemented they should of just cut it all together. He cant interact with anything: he can't pick up most things, he cant even open doors. Ada literally reuses the animation from other campaigns where the character holds the door open for their companion, but Agent doesnt even go through that animation he just comes out on the other side. Its baffling how they came up with this and decided it was acceptable to put out there.
Anyways. I've ranted enough about this game. I think its a pretty enjoyable one, but so much shit gets in the way of it being a good one and while i'm giving it a 3/5 overall, its a very low 3/5. If there is one positive to this games existence, its that with all the button mash QTE's you'll be pretty good at fingering by the end of it.

Bonus thing: the music sounds like Lego batman music lol

Trophy Completion - 65%
Time Played - 30 hours 29 seconds
Nancymeter - 58/100
Game Completion #25 of 2022
March Completion #4

Well that was the dumbest game ever.

immersive simulator of living in cleveland ohio

Essentially what makes base Postal 2 in any way interesting is the fact that you can play the game completely pacifist and avoid all combat. When you do that the game shifts from a mediocre shooter mostly filled with the dumbest jokes the early 2000's could offer into a unique experience where a beleaguered everyman just trying to go about his day to day life has to survive the world progressively getting more insane around him. This almost immersive sim level of design is what makes the game and if you can stomach the kind of humor edgy Bush era teenagers thought was the funniest shit and now is even more embarrassing in retrospect (Though the game does have some good jokes at times, like Postal Dude asking you to sign his petition will never get old) than base game Postal 2 is worth it.

There’s a camp as fuck gay and lesbian porno in here somewhere I just can’t get to any of the good bits cus I have to trap these damn vampires

Here we go. This was my zen game as a child. I completed it, but spent most of my time building courses of my own that I could barely finish.

I'm gonna go hop around my apartment for the next hour now just to reminisce.

Heavily underrated game, deserved more love and could've been greater. If a game company decided to revisit this concept and polish it it could truly be what it was supposed to

love the sfx in this game to death

only gaijin have a problem with this game, particularly insidious types who wear anime pfps but can only stand it localized. note that two thirds of the major publications negative reviews derisively refer to kung-fu and chopsocky; they never were sending their best. the common hater cutely embraces "eurojank" but disavows this cultural love letter from the masterminds of bushido blade and kengo. ah the fights are too short and simple? heard of mono no aware? no but you've heard of "ahahahahahahahahahahhahahahah slavjank"? curious . . .

I'm not sure how they did it, but the boys at Micronet managed to make a game that's less entertaining than being bathed in battery acid.

Very impressive.

I was all ready to be a contrarian about this one, as I sort of enjoyed the first stage, but... yeah, it's awful. Not even fun to save-state your way through just to listen to the dope music, which is really saying something.

The game every Japanese twin peaks rip off wishes it could be.

The dreamcast exclusive that could have been.

unironically better than celeste