511 Reviews liked by slibslime

Great arcadey-type game. With the exception of Fire all the Mario remakes differentiate themselves from the original well enough to hold the same original idea, but are still different enough for both to be fun with their own appeal.

The Game & Watch games may not be LCD but they feel very authentic and are enjoyable. The Mario versions are filled with charm too. Overall it's just a solid collection of minigames and it's just a neat game.

yknow max i can't help thinking that we've foolishly tampered with the fragile inner mechanisms of the little spaceship we call earth

Was further proof to me back when it came out that a whole bunch of VN fans wouldn't know what good writing is if it suplexed them through a cardtable. Utter garbage that I dropped at the first dumb creepypasta twist.

i think dan salvato likes tsukihime for the wrong reasons

i've spent 576 hours on this game since launch (not counting the beta) and i wish i could take it all back

it's fine if you hate this game because of the story or the new characters, but if you hate this game because it gives more representation for women, gay people, trans people, and people of color, you're gross. :-)

All I ask is that you make your game fun to play. Really, I'll go with whatever, WHATEVER you got, as long as it's fun as hell. Edgy-90's cartoon possum with a sword and rocket pack fighting a pig army? Is it fun? Then why not! I mean you're dealing with a guy here who one of his all-time formative gaming experiences ever involves a talking worm in a super-powered spacesuit.

Everything about this game is amazing. Talk about an excellent answer to the Pokemon franchise. For its time, they nailed it. This game had everything.

A hard as balls game that didn't age well AT ALL. Still, it has a special place in my heart for being a childhood game. But also still, this game can fucking suck it.

most horror games put on the facade of "disempowering the player" but from resident evil to clock tower to penumbra/amnesia to alien isolation or whatever this game might remind you of, it's never actually true.

but in Enemy Zero, you really are fucked from start to finish. end paragraph

anyone who's uttered any variation of "difficulty in video games" should play this. no fast forwarding or save states. make your own maps. normal difficulty. report back within the hour

Such a shame people don't pay attention to post xbox rare, they still made quality (i think way better than n64 rare). This game is such a brain blast of ideas. Just combat through rooms and also have some combat puzzles, smart. game look good style yup nice

I genuinely do not understand why people hate this game so much. I think it's a blast.

Its like Mario 64 with Vampires

I could (and will) spend an entire day sending pictures of these fucking grabs to @Cursed Hitboxes.