Retroactively made every other WRPG worse

My latest replay a year or so ago changed this from "yeah I remember that being a pretty cool JRPG / Tactics hybrid" to "one of the absolute best games I've ever played in my life" this shit is so fun

The first arcade game I could 1cc! :3c

XBox Live was created just for this game as far as I'm concerned

Just finding out my NeoGeo AES cart for this is an MVS conversion as no official AES cart was realeased.

Guess this is my favourite bootleg of all time then.

Sakurai make Sin & Punishment characters playable in Smash you fucking hack.

This > Trigger deal with it nerds

I've had too many batshit crazy LAN matches not to give this the hardest of fives

Why you, yoU, yoU, YOU . . .


A game that was doomed to fail on XBox given demographics, but the XBox was the only place a game like this could have existed at the time

Cheap, broken, shitty mess of a game I LOVE

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When the wolf is sus

Best new Nintendo IP of this century.

Shame about the sequels tho, here's hoping 3 picks up their slack.

Sure Vampire Saviour / Hunter 2 outclass this as a competitive game but this is my GOAT.

Hakushon Daimo died so us Westerners could play.

A real anime legend RIP.