6 reviews liked by slothful1592

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Rewatched some scenes from the game and I think I’d be good to expound on some of my previous thoughts:

I was thinking about how there was a dissonance between SH3’s direct narrative with an extremely aggressive and blunt metaphor and the (overlooked) richness of the text and how the key is within the design and approach to Silent Hill as an entity.

I think what is vital and why it’s so important it comes after Silent Hill 2 is that it is a direct inversion of what Silent Hill means in its predecessor. In SH2, SH is more of a pure psychological liminal space that operates more on a Freudian dream symbolism/logic and is more concerned on the extent of the realness (and thus instability) of Jame’s environments. Silent Hill 3’s SH still operates as psychological liminal space but makes itself aware as pure malevolent entity that seeks to both give concrete form to fear and trauma and how it is something that is perpetuated through the shortcomings/evils of its inhabitants.

Thus what Heather sees is NOT her guilt and shame manifested but instead her own fears and reckonings with the transition to adulthood. The insane cancer for instance takes form as a greasy, deformed naked man that seems to be a play more on creeps than just some background monster. The level design is inherently labyrinth, filled with winding hallways with far too many locked doors, due to how it functions as a way to communicate Heather’s own in-world disorientation at being thrust into Silent Hill but also a psychological construct of her own confusion surrounding the changes of her body and pure loss of her own autonomy.

It is especially kind of surprising especially to see people comment that Harry’s death was mishandled if the abruptness and sudden nature of his death is the primary point of it. Silent Hill in this game is vindictive towards any innocent (and women as etc nurses in particular seem to be a particular subject of torture by Valtiel) and is pure oppression, what could be more cruel than killing Heather’s father before she has the chance to tell him how happy it made her feel?

But that’s the power of SH3, I think it’s through the pure assertiveness of its theme and its hybrid fusion of SH1 and the psychological horror of SH2 while finding completely separate ground!

This probably is the best final fantasy has ever been in so long. A giant world with many thigns to see, multitude of fun side quests, even the side content is hella fun. I love the minigames, even if some of them overstayed their welcome. Presentation wise, it does not get better then this. It is very PS2 style in nature, from its combat, being simple but with massive depth, and its story, and characters being overly dramatic and complicated but true to heart, and it does it so well. The game drops the ball hard however by locking most of it's side content in its third act, and by the time you get there, you probably will be too exhausted to do any more side content. Thankfully, there was no need for any grind at that point, as the game is very streamlined and balanced well. The third act is spectacular, while the narrative takes the hit, the drama is done so well, with some amazing cinematics, character moments, and great set pieces. If this pace of improvements continues, I am so excited for part 3.

Meditation on sexuality and adolescence within a labyrinthe landscape, one of the greatest ever

Might raise my score later (the gameplay pre-Maria was kind of 😭) but some of the most nauseating art I’ve experienced especially with the use of mise-en-scene (is there a gamer version of this) Shutter Island proven fraud

Will say something more detailed eventually but this game gives me unprecedented amounts of dopamine. my whole life i've struggled with playing games - despite being totally into them - because there's a pervasive sense of pointlessness/some gnawing inside that tells me my enjoyment (of games specifically) is totally vapid and I should be out in the streets protesting or something, or partaking in some other larger communal activity that explicitly/tangibly supports others (tho this is partially inspired by too much time living in the Bay tbqh lol). I don't intellectually agree with that sentiment and I recognize it stems from unhelpful thought processes and experiences, like verbal denigration suffered in childhood, deeply internalizing that I should reject my own pleasure if I'm the only one who benefits, etc. Still, it's a feeling I often grapple with. On the positive side, I don't feel that way at all with BB. The sense of triumph over adversity and sheer joy from re-emerging from death time and time again and navigating such a stark environment and odds and barely winning is just...i don't know. i think i'm finding actual life-value in this and it's frankly inspiring, and I frankly feel super goofy gushing about a game so much lol. I'm only saying stuff countless people have already discovered but it does feel good to finally 'get it' myself.

i've had BB since 2017 and i've finally given it another shot these last few days after giving up on it for a long long time out of sheer frustration. overcoming the fear of dying repeatedly and overcoming fears of my own personal inadequacies in terms of player skill really is doing a number on my brain in a good way. i'm someone who notoriously plays on easy mode most days because i'm usually so exhausted after work, that it seems like a grating and unnecessary chore to challenge myself difficulty-wise. feel the total opposite now with from software stuff, however. also, reading Miyazaki's interviews about his life growing up poor and his thought process behind the game development of anything Souls-related/in the style of Souls games really brought home the overarching thematic beauty and structural genius of these titles. Giving me a much needed mental boost rn and it's honestly the only thing i wanna do when i'm off work.

I also really love that Miyazaki said that the top of his book shelf includes Devilman and Berserk, so the similarity in manga and atmospheric dark fantasy interests enhances the experience even more for me, on an individual level. 5 bloody stars.