Mom I want Super Smash Bros.
We have Super Smash Bros at home honey.
Super Smash Bros at home:

Standard Player: ooh fun Zelda game with sailing.
Completionist: enrolls in University as a photography student

Let's find that exit they call Paradise

Girls with guns and guns that are girls


You have been downtrodden, you have been abandoned. Now is your time to rise up out of the oppressed; to emerge from the shadows; ignite the thunder of freedom. Now you fight for yourself, for riches, for honor, for the brotherhood.

The A-TEC 2000 is the latest in assault rife technology. Capable of up to 800 hundred rounds of-- training complete. Congratulations operatives.

You join these ranks to uphold the millennium accord. Improvise. Adapt. Overcome. Time to lock and load boys. We're fighting with the best now. Let's do this.

Loved the pirate story but there's a serious imbalance of gameplay to non-gameplay sections.

Streets of me raging a lot while playing