Surprised just how fun this is. A lot of it has to do with the insane physics. Similar to CTR, it feels great once you''ve gotten used to the controls and are tearing through races. There are a lot of gameplay modes that keep things from getting stale during the story. Ignoring the auto save bug, my one issue is the Peace Maker weapon being a blue shell item. Using a red eco weapon you can stop any yellow eco weapon from hitting you except the blue shell. It requires specifically a shield to fend off or falling back to second so it changes targets. Soundtrack goes crazy hard and it's nice to have one more adventure with the gang.

Having only known Mario Kart for all my life, I'd equate playing this to a sexual awakening.

Why remind players to take breaks when you can force them to with physical pain? All my neck and hand pain is forgiven though. It's the full package. Addicting on-rails and third person shooting. Enormous replay value thanks to unlocks, customization and difficulty options. Witty and hilarious story deliveried by a stellar voice cast. And let's not forget the OST composed by a laundry list of all timers. It's THE 3DS game and it deserves to be more than that.

Mechanically it's an improvement in some areas and really that should be all it takes for a simple game like this to trump its predecessor. Yet I still prefer the original with better music and visuals. The horrifying sun is a good treat for clearing the game.

More fun than I was expecting and music is great.

Looks and sounds great. Pretty much in agreement with some of the more common narrative criticisms. A lot is vague, poorly executed or frustrating to see play out. Combat on the other hand I find quite fun. There is a rhythm to it. Once you have more options and understand how to paradigm cancel it is very satisfying to succeed in battle. It's a shame it takes so long for more character progression options and optional battles to become available.

I really like the character art. And Marth. Oh man. Marth. Look at him. Wow. Just...ahhh. Yeah. Marth.

The combination of music, simple but addicting gameplay and challenge makes the act of playing the game almost trance inducing.

Best remembered not replayed. And especially not 100% completed.

Love the in battle party swapping and the turn order bar but having played games that utilize them better, I wish it did a little more with combat. Beautiful story that brought me to tears.

Baller twist but not much else I feel strongly about

The setting and more straightforward story are ultimately why I like this game less. It makes me laugh the most though, it's hilarious.

Everything about the narrative is incredible.

This one does what the three prior games could not manage: get me to stop caring. There was humor, intrigue and emotional investment to be gained from the overly lengthy scenes of the past. So much of runtime in this game is spent boring me to tears, forcing answers to questions I wasn't asking, and not letting me actually play the game. I'm already checked out by the time what many consider the most memorable moments finally do occur. I suppose this level of dissapointment is only natural considering how high the bar has been set up to this point.

Don't see the appeal but neat it exists I guess