56 Reviews liked by sophiwa

I've genuinely never been more bored by a Trails game in my life. The only reason I'm giving this more than a rating of 0.5 is because I'm told CS4 is worse.

The story was the stupidest thing I've seen, the dungeons were incredibly mindless to explore, I was unengaged for like 70% of the game.

This was utter boredom for that 70% of the game, and somehow makes me like CS2 more, which is surprising since I THOUGHT I hated CS2 when I finished it, but I'm now wishing for a pre-CS3 world.

I will praise this game's political writing, character writing and battle system though. Probably the best battle system in any Cold Steel game, some of the enemy design kinda stinks but learning to break this system is pretty satisfying.

This game engaged me whenever anything political was going on. I think Falcom knows how to create a world, their worldbuilding is still on point. Any time any political figurehead was onscreen I was incredibly engaged with what was going on.

The characters were good. I like that the main cast was fairly small, in comparison to CS1 and CS2. It gave them more time to focus in on each of them, and I really quite like how they portrayed an older, more experienced Rean.

I can't praise this game any more than that though, ANYTHING else I say about this game will be me criticising it. Literally everything else was either boring, bad or just plain stupid.

Worst Trails game so far, and I'm looking forward to taking the piss out of CS4 when I play it.

<< Mobius 1. Let me schlob on that hog. >>

<< Fox Two! Fox Two! Let me suck your balls Mobius 1! >>

<< Oh no! It's Mobius 1 and his giant goddamn penis! >>

<< I'm serious Mobius 1. >>

<< ...It is now 7:40 AM Usea Central Mean Time. >>

<< Tank destroyed! Wish you could destroy my asshole right now Mobius 1. >>

<< I'm not kidding around. >>

<< I'm hit! I'm going to die! I have a family! >>

<< Cum incoming. >>


<< ... >>

<< ... >>

<< ... >>

<< ... >>

<< Hey Mobius 1. Word around the skies is you got a fat cock ;) >>

great day for neo twewy fans

edit: great day for neo bomba fans

godrick in ww2 be like uwaaaahhh im godrick the drafted

Platinumed this game around launch. I'm surprised to see how hyped this game became around a year after it came out, because when I played it I was really underwhelmed. I'm giving it an above average score, though, because the plot was pretty decent. Just forget the terrible strategy part exists and you have yourself a fine enough VN with nice mechs here and there.

Better trilogy than Trails in the sky

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When this game's story finally picks up it becomes truly great, the characters are handled very well & the music is amazing.
The normal ending was very solid. But I hate the True ending with all my being, it was terrible. The After story segment was ok but the influence of the true ending ruins anything that comes after unfortunately, Falcom need to learn to let go for once.

Easy 8.5 out of 10 if only they commit to the normal ending but instead Falcom were cowards againđź—ż

Best game about an adult man possessing and corrupting a pure little girl that somehow does not involve pornography.

I may pick this one up again at a later date, but there are only so many recycled boss encounters I can take before concluding that I dislike this game for the same reason as Dark Souls II: artificial difficulty.

''What if we make an YS game in brazil?''

I'm not sure if the open world format fits fromsoft games very well. Gameplay and level design is a lot more mindless this time around, at least from the player's perspective. The environments are gorgeous. I can't wait to see it in unbroken 60 FPS in about ten years. The combat is pretty good. Animations and sound effects are on point! Boss animations are dishonest, but, hey, players have lots of options for fighting them. It's simply a bad idea to go one-on-one with a sword and shield a lot of the time, unless you look up a video of which attacks are punishable, because god knows the animations won't tell you. Mindlessly pressing Y while traveling to collect crafting materials isn't exactly enthralling gameplay. Suffers from inventory clutter. I like the part where a trap sends the player to the opposite side of the continent, and I like the part where a guy traps you in a room with a big knight, but memorable moments seem to thin out as the game goes on. This game really do have infinity content, so if you liked Dark Souls 3, you'll be playing this one for months!

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Rise unhindered, augur of darkness. Your life is one defined by many behind you, of furtive pygmies and bearers of wretched curses, where chosen undead and champions of ash spill blood and reap countless souls in the unbroken climb towards an insurmountable goal. The Age of Fire has burnt out, The Hunt has concluded, and atop the carnage of a million shambling corpses, you stand triumphant. However, time flows unceasingly, and with it, the memories of the past become one with the ether, and a valiant hero is called to usher in a new era. Hunters all, Kindred, Chosen, and Cursed, flow into a corporeal amalgam. Awaken, Tarnished. Raise your blade in the face of yet another unending struggle, and earn your place in the hollow halls of history. A tale told in cyclical fashion, the story repeats anew, Soulsborne by way of AI generation.

Elden Ring survives off of a concentrated slurry of highlights from From Software’s extended catalog, a regurgitation of recollections better left to the past. Mechanically, narratively, thematically, down to the aesthetics of the Lands Between, the world speaks in jumbled Dark Fantasy Mad Libs and “If [X] than [Y]” statements carefully pruned from its predecessors. Run through the gameplay loop with me: You, a Hollow – I mean, Tarnished, must fight against unbearable odds, earning Souls – er, Ruins, which you spend at a Bonfi– Lost Grace, while exploring desiccated castles, rotting villages, and vile swamps, all in the name of Ending the Age of Fire Becoming the Elden Lord and ringing in the Age of Darkness Stars.

It is impossible to put into words how much Elden Ring thrives off of being derivative, which… hurts, considering From Software's obvious skill at what they do. The formula of a Souls game has been perfected to science here, but in the process of refining it over a decade, the eponymous soul of the series has faded. What remains, a slideshow of “best of” snapshots, seeks to embolden dedicated fans of the Souls series into believing this is the definitive experience, a shambling husk wearing the skin of innovation.

None of this is to say that the game doesn’t have its moments, but the issue lies in repetition. Elden Ring is a vast void, a massive blank canvas splattered with algorithmic strokes, “content-aware fill” as a design principle. Case in point, the Tree Sentinel exists as the first truly foreboding enemy you encounter, an indestructible knight that aims to smash and skewer Tarnished too brave to give up and too stupid to run. However, the memories associated with that first conflict muddle when he returns… But There’s Two Of Him. Or even further on, where a third match-up happens, with the key difference being “do bigger numbers”. Let's not get into the many times Godrick is thrown at the player as a threat, over and over and over again.

For something derived from Dark Souls, it's painful to see how soulless this successor feels. Mechanically, systematically, it’s fine, but there’s no real passion or love found beneath the surface. Writing too deeply about it almost feels wasteful: It’s Dark Souls Again. If you want Dark Souls, here it is, almost entirely unaltered. If you don’t, this is still Dark Souls, you’ll get nothing new out of it. The Age of Stars extends its icy reach to the cosmos, and all I can do is recollect on nostalgia's frozen embrace.

Boring open world. Some mediocre Dark Souls level design

mfs will read fate but can't get a girl to stay the night