56 Reviews liked by sophiwa

You know, I understand why people like this game. Its just like how people are into scat, they just love shit.

Of course you have blue hair and pronouns.

I am going to have sex with ishmael limbus company just saying

don't ever smoke weed from the gas station

this happened to my buddy erika

sissy hypnosis
unfunny review i made almost a year ago aside my feelings on smtv are extremely complicated. i had a blast with this when it came out and though i still think the exploration, combat, and music is great the overwhelmingly terrible story and characters along with confusing game design decisions leave me feeling pretty bitter at what it could've been.

Hey, wanna play some video games? I know what to do, I haven't seen the sun in years so lets NOT play League of Legends, sound familiar? It should. It's terrible, and it's pay to win, if there is a toxic community around they would be playing it right now. So here's how it works, play a good game.


Really awesome as proof of concept, setting and lore feel like they would lend well to a bigger product, production quality good, characterisation was good for the short runtime, if they ever make a full project it's definitely getting peeped.

CWs: rape, child abuse, sexual assault, dismemberment, bestiality played for laughs, in-universe depictions of ableism and homophobia, body horror

i hate this game. i love this game. i want to marry this game. i wish it didnt exist.
anyway. good dungeon crawler. really good story (that is unfortunately quite tragedy/torture porn at times.) great characters. amazing environmental storytelling and fun gameplay. cant recommend to everyone but its worth a try if you can stomach its graphic content.

this game killed my hope and dreams/10

Possibly Falcom's worst game to date. There's some worthwhile content here and there, but it's dragged out to hell and back and by the end of it I was just too sick of the game to give a shit about anything. It doesn't help that it basically negates all of the interesting plot points from III and turns the entire empire arc into a farce by the end. This game really soured me on the Kiseki series, unfortunately.

the worst falcom game to date.

cs4 is filled with trite, worthless filler (act 1-2), and character writing that borders on parody. act 2 is abyss fiction with conflict so forced that the villains themselves cannot even justify the reason for it. act 3 sucks and relies on the shitty plot device (the curse) to move the plot along. the curse is one of the worst written plot devices in all of fiction, being able to do basically anything the writers want by taking away character agency. with the characters having their agency being manipulated by the curse, the writers can set up literally any sort of conflict they want regardless of whether or not the character would participate in said conflict. its like the blood pact from radiant dawn (if you know what that is good job) but applied to like over half the cast. but hey, why set up sidequests/plot points/character moments when you can just make the curse do it for you? it doesnt help that the central plot doesnt kick in until act 3.

the combat was decent but falcom cannot be bothered to balance their games anymore. with balancing the combat system would be excellent but even on nightmare the game is piss easy. the mech fights are pretty cool though

the bloated cast (16 main party members) means little to no character development occurs. the only stratifying character moments come from callbacks to older arcs. the entirety of oc7 and nc7 sucks outside of ash as alisha, the rest of the characters get no character developments or moments. the harem sucks and takes away agency from the women's character arcs. musse is actually a joke and i cannot believe that anyone can take this game seriously. juna being forced as the pseudo main character was awful in cs3 and is awful now: her corny speeches are so bad they offend me. like the rest of the female cast, her character arc is ruined because of the forced rean simping. she talks like she knows the SSS even though we have never seen this. not to mention they had to fucking RETCON HER INTO CROSSBELL BY MAKING NEW VERSIONS AND HER CHARACTER IS STILL SHIT. they just use pedo coom bait like altina to sell copies instead of write them arcs (altina gets no development she doesnt even grieve over the events in cs3 ending lmao). what a joke.

characters are brought back to life for no reason, which takes away from the stakes along with the horrible pacing. the continent is on the crux of war and u are in some fuckoff town taking strolls and running errands. the stakes are also fucked because the game gives every single fucking villain a redemption arc. your friend killed 3 people? no problem, we can save him using the power of friendship!!!!

the music is okay, unisuga made some bangers. i dont know how singa is controversial considering his mixing is worse than most armature music and is overall shit. they also play his awful music for hours on end, in fragments i think i had to listen to the same 3 singa songs loop for 3 hours straight and i had to turn down the volume because it was so bad.

the localization was okay, but full of bugs. a boss in act 2 only spoke japanese lol.

they did bring back a lot of older characters for fanservice, which was cool but a bit disappointing considering they dont show up for a purpose beyond fanservice and being there for the plot. i wish more of it was like renne in zero in how they actually continued her arc and weaved it into the plot, but hey with a cast that bloated u cant really do much.

why this game has a 4.0 is beyond me. i guess kiseki fans are so deep into this series that they cant bear to recognize the game has flaws.

Pantagruel scene broke me. I'm so tired of this game's contrived bullshit to create stakes, I can't stand Rean's shitty melodrama anymore. The whole Cold Steel arc is just less than the sum of its parts.