56 Reviews liked by sophiwa

i uninstalled league of legends and am now living happily thanks subahibi

The best final fantasy story in the entire series, all of the pervious expansions stories all come together for this amazing finale. its sad that not a lot of final fantasy fans will get to experience it because they refuse to play it because its an mmo or because they quit during ARR

Kinography. I laughed. I cried. I pondered my own life, and the countless amounts of others. If Bitmoji Party only has one fan, then I am the one fan.

I hate the brass contraption! I hate the brass contraption!I hate the brass contraption!I hate the brass contraption!I hate the brass contraption!I hate the brass contraption!I hate the brass contraption!I hate the brass contraption!I hate the brass contraption!I hate the brass contraption!I hate the brass contraption!I hate the brass contraption!I hate the brass contraption!I hate the brass contraption!I hate the brass contraption!I hate the brass contraption!I hate the brass contraption!I hate the brass contraption!I hate the brass contraption!I hate the brass contraption!I hate the brass contraption!I hate the brass contraption!I hate the brass contraption!I hate the brass contraption!I hate the brass contraption!I hate the brass contraption!I hate the brass contraption!I hate the brass contraption!I hate the brass contraption!I hate the brass contraption!I hate the brass contraption!I hate the brass contraption!I hate the brass contraption!I hate the brass contraption!I hate the brass contraption!I hate the brass contraption!I hate the brass contraption!I hate the brass contraption!I hate the brass contraption!I hate the brass contraption!I hate the brass contraption!I hate the brass contraption!I hate the brass contraption!I hate the brass contraption!I hate the brass contraption!I hate the brass contraption!I hate the brass contraption!I hate the brass contraption!I hate the brass contraption!I hate the brass contraption!I hate the brass contraption!I hate the brass contraption!I hate the brass contraption!I hate the brass contraption!I hate the brass contraption!I hate the brass contraption!I hate the brass contraption!I hate the brass contraption!I hate the brass contraption!I hate the brass contraption!I hate the brass contraption!I hate the brass contraption!I hate the brass contraption!I hate the brass contraption!I hate the brass contraption!I hate the brass contraption!I hate the brass contraption!I hate the brass contraption!I hate the brass contraption!I hate the brass contraption!I hate the brass contraption!I hate the brass contraption!I hate the brass contraption!I hate the brass contraption!I hate the brass contraption!I hate the brass contraption!I hate the brass contraption!I hate the brass contraption!I hate the brass contraption!I hate the brass contraption!I hate the brass contraption!I hate the brass contraption!I hate the brass contraption!I hate the brass contraption!I hate the brass contraption!I hate the brass contraption!I hate the brass contraption!I hate the brass contraption!I hate the brass contraption!I hate the brass contraption!I hate the brass contraption!I hate the brass contraption!I hate the brass contraption!I hate the brass contraption!I hate the brass contraption!I hate the brass contraption!I hate the brass contraption!

it sure is a shame that such a great game is presented with newgrounds graphics and generic_orchestra.mp3

Today I'm finally gonna slay the spire

Damn spire got hands

"magic isn't real! magic isn't real!!" i continue to insist as i slowly shrink and transform into a corn cob

Got past the 2nd lord and just not enjoying it at all. The writing is awful and reminiscent of recent disgaea games with its incessant need to constantly repeat certain topics over and over again. You can practically see the shallow writing process in the 2nd area where the unique thing about it is the "snake eyes" keeping an eye on everyone so every 2 minutes someone will mention the snake eyes until the section is over. The party interactions are insufferable with shionne being a completely unlikable tsundere and everyone repeatedly having the "Are you sure you want to help a renan/dahnan?" back-and-forth among other cliches. The new refined combat system is fun with its smooth animations and satisfying comboing but enemies quickly become tedious damage sponges (especially bosses) and Alphen seems to be the only character that's actually fun to play as. Visually the game looks great and is pretty much the only tales game to impress with its artstyle. The music felt as generic as the story and I really didn't dig how needlessly grandiose it could be at times. Maybe I'll get back to it sometime but at the moment I just don't feel the motivation to put up with the flaws.

It is undeniable that somewhere deep within NEO The World Ends With You lies the heart of the original. What should also be undeniable however is how sloppy and deeply flawed this sequel turned out to be. Good music and visual cohesion aside, the game fails to live up to the high standard of the original with a poorly executed plot and a combat system that fails to hold up to any degree of scrutiny. Perhaps its for the better that the franchise ended with this entry, as to not perpetuate the downward trend of mediocrity that this IP has fallen into.