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Given the core concept, there was no way it was going to be a well reviewed game. But it has a really good message, and its very well made. It's really a shame that not everyone has the time to experience it. It can be kinda easy to forget about it and just come back when everythings over, but I think that's part of it. I have a lot more to say about it eventually.


Its really cute, not particularly outstanding or emotionally devastating/enlightening. Just pretty cute. Good way to relax for a bit.

It was pretty funny, and had a nice style. Usually I'm a fan of short and sweet, but it still felt a little lacking in quality

Its an interesting concept, and its actually pretty well executed, but its hard to feel the effects of the idea? I think the amount of fun in the mechanic was probably not worth the amount of work that went into making it. Which kind of sucks cause Jonas seems like a really talented guy, I wanna see what he ends up doing after this.

I understand why some don't like it, it's kind of difficult to see the appeal in. I guess a lot of retro is that way. Really awesome in terms of history, crazy that it fit on the gameboy.

It's not the same as the older games, but it has it's own appeals. Its hard for me to be happy with botw anymore considering that it seems to be starting the trend of Zelda games not focusing on story/characters/music as much anymore. The music was fitting for the game, its just that I liked the original musical style of the series so I'm going to miss it a lot if they do continue with this trend. It was an amazing game.

I want to give it 5 but its so grindy man... seriously i fucking love this game its just too damn long

It's not really awful its just a letdown. Another example of writing/gameplay being forgotten in exchange for graphical fidelity/ being "ambitious"

it got kinda grindy and i lost interest, but its still got a really wacky vibe and a sense of humor. especially significant in the indie community obviously

Interesting idea, but I feel as if it could have used a lot more narrative choice, animation, voicing or audio, etc. feels like the only reason it really got popular was cause it was edgy. it had a genuinely good message and was really well written, its just lacking in polish.

Undoubtedly an unforgettable game, I just got busy and couldn't finish it. also gets a little grindy, but thats how it is. Timing mechanic helped to make the battles a little more interesting, but that wore off pretty quick.

Very unique and impactful presentation of narrative.
Very brutal theming and music. Theres really nothing like it to compare it to. What a game

Its really REALLY well sprited, and the shrink mechanic was interesting, but the overall theming and stuff was kinda dull. Felt like a filler title. Which I'm pretty sure it was. It wasn't awful or anything, just nothing to write home about imo, especially in comparison to other zelda titles