one of my favorite games of all time, ly jin sakai <33 insanely good story good combat (with a wave based mode ontop of it) just a really good game in general

its pretty good i liked the driving, and the cops and racing shenanigans, story was idk tbh which is the main reason its 3 and a half stars other than that pretty good racing game

amazingly awesome hitman game pew pew get out the way smash some guys head in with a metal pipe infront of 13 bodyguards without getting spotted yessirrr based storyline too

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dude its gta 5 wtf do you want me to say theres a STRIP CLUB

this game is so freakin beautiful oh my LORD kinda confused about the ending tho but no worries hank is awesome

this game is so good mirrors edge original was kinda meh but this was a huge upgrade, more animations, better map (controversial), cooler story, omg theres GRAPPLING HOOKS!1!1!1 WOWZER

very trippy and confusing but cool

i love cars, also love takin random pics in the photo editor

pretty weird campaign but i love the multiplayer

AMAZING game i loved all the story and the combat

not much of a batman fan but absolutely loved this game's story and combat

honestly just not my cup of tea didnt really like the game that much probably because the story was just being dragged on + the combat just wasnt enjoyable imo cool characters tho