These damn lesbians made me cry!!!

Fun game with an engaging story and interesting mechanics. Honestly, the docked star is because I hated Date SO MUCH. I probably would've enjoyed this more if Date wasn't a quintessential perverted old man from 90s anime.

Hey Red... We're not getting away with this, are we?

Really interesting and cool experience! Absolutely love the witch designs and inherent queerness of the characters. This game had clever storytelling and choice-making and played with the concept of player agency the whole way through. The art was gorgeous, the music was striking, and the narrative was emotional. I didn’t think I’d be playing campaign manager simulator and enjoying it, but here we are. Star docked for me being a nitpicky editor who disagrees with some of the localization style, the campaign section taking too long/being repetitive, and a few other pacing wonkiness. Overall a great and worthwhile game though!

Minus 2 stars because they gave us Mario instead of redesigning Crystal.

Tried playing it on Deck for ~2 hours, but I think my game got bugged so I couldn’t progress the game. Clearly I wasn’t engaged or invested in the story enough to fix it. Which is unfortunate because the art is so pretty but these are deal-breaking bugs. I have no idea if it’s even possible to reset my game to try and fix it that way… Oh well.

Was obsessed, then got very bored very quickly. I feel like that does tend to happen with roguelikes...

It's time to mix drinks and change lives.

I've tried to get into this game SO MANY TIMES throughout the years, but I just could not. Yet another game that I feel like I absolutely should've fallen in love with, but didn't.

Good, intriguing, love the art and vibes. Story was fine, though I cannot for the life of me remember the exact details.

Art, vibes, and gay people are 10/10, but I'm bad at metroidvanias.

Blue Lions and Church routes completed. Still need to finish Golden Deer and Black Eagles routes.

Fun game, beautiful art, great OST, and solid story. I was a bit disappointed with the modern fantasy setting because at times, it felt like nothing more than set dressing as a thinly veiled metaphor for its various relationships and topics. Still an enjoyable experience though I wasn’t blown away like I was hoping for. I liked almost all of the character designs, but a few storylines were total misses for me (especially the player character’s…whatever that was). The best game design aspect for me, though, was making the same drink over and over again for one character, and during an intense sequence, you cannot check the recipe book and you have to make that same drink to calm them down. As you can see, I remembered the context, but completely don’t remember what drink it was, which character this relates to, and why this ended up happening :’D Regardless! Still a game worth your while if you’re a fan of VNs and the bartender simulator genre.

I keep trying to give this game a million tries, but I never finish it. No clue why!

Loved the game obsessively until the sudden difficulty spike of the final boss kicked my ass. It felt illogical/undeserved for how easy/straightforward the rest of the game felt.