damn they werent lying these Piranha Plants are on Parade


well truthfully this is the Best Game Ever Made and

well truthfully this is a sequel to the Best Game Ever

on top of having a banger story mode you can also run over 13 year olds without catching a felony

after owning this game since i was literally 7 i gotta say i can't find much in this game anymore. its fun in like 2 week long bursts. modded is great fin but sadly only when it doesn't really feel like minecraft anymore.

dnd except i don't need my friends who don't want to play with me

this game makes me sigh when my friends want to play it. that didn't used to happen and that makes me sad

i could probably play this game for the rest of my life and it'd take years to get boring

ocarina is not better than this bro

holy fuck i love sitting on a computer in game while sitting on a conputer irl

funny how the first real indie game is also the best one

does watching jacksepticeye play it count as playing it myself

real men grew up here. current state of it makes me depressed

yeah i wanna like this one for the characters but god most else is unbearable