Super fun and thoughtful, but made me pretty motion sick. Had to play in short sessions.

I was 12 years old. It was a Monday morning. I had been reading about Pokemon in Nintendo Power for months now. My mom let me go to school late and took me to Wal-Mart right when they opened to get Pokemon on Game Boy. The only other people outside waiting for the doors to open were another mom and son. We both went right back to the video game section. I don't know what he got, but for some reason I picked Pokemon Blue. I think my best friend at the time said he was going to get Red so we could trade.

What followed was weeks of playing it non-stop: in the car, under the covers with a flashlight, in school when I could get away with it. I picked Bulbasaur as my starter and never looked back.

Amazing game, truly a revolution at the time. If you're reading this and have never played Pokemon before, just play it. Stop reading this! Go now!

Combines Zelda with open-world perfectly. No notes.

Perfect version of the perfect game


Great 3D Mario game. Not the best one but close.

Super fun retro throwback, amazing for fans of the show, as well.

Instantly sucked me in and I powered through it, leaving me wanting more. Perfectly paced.

Super fun little adventure, no notes.

Super fun game, but very intense emotionally. One of the few games that has ever made me cry.

Played through this co-op with my wife. Super fun. Definitely a core memory.

Amazing idle game, goes some fun places, avoid spoilers and just check it out!

Pure nostalgia for me. All the sounds, visuals, voice actors, cutscenes, even the silly early Blizzard humor: all perfect.

How expansions should be done. Amazing story continuation, stuck with me for years. Amazing game.