As gameplay goes, it's no masterpiece. But it's the art direction, music, and at times very engaging story and characters that make this one a winner in my book. And yeah the guns can be pretty fun at times too.

I keep coming back to this game and trying to git gud, but I fail every time. Maybe one day.

The hardest boss in this game is the controls.

I keep coming back to this game and trying my best to like it but every time I'm just disappointed.

I peaced out pretty early on once the realization set in that the gameplay aspect of this game was going to primarily consist of walking from point A to point B with the occasional shitty (but cool looking) boss fight sprinkled in.

Might complete it one day, idk. Lots of fun but also very long and repetitive.

Just barely gets a 2.5/5 from me because of nostalgia. Story and characters are both great, the atmosphere is there, the music is incredible, but the gameplay is utterly worthless. It's a detective game where you don't actually have to do any detective work to win. You don't even need to ask the right questions during interrogations. There are sequences where you might have to do something (like tailing a suspect or something) and they literally give you a button prompt to skip the sequence. This barely qualifies as a video game.

Too long, didn't finish, probably won't. It was pretty fun though.

I adore Max Payne 2, and would love to finish this one, but I cannot for the life fo me get it to run properly. Every issue I somehow manage to fix is followed by another one, and it's game-breaking stuff I'm talking about. Like characters getting stuck on geometry during cutscenes, and the game not continuing the cutscene until they get to where they're supposed to be. I have spent literal hours trying to tinker with this game to get it to work, and I've decided that it's just not worth it.

This game is a piece of shit and I love it. One of my favorite co-op experienced I've ever had.


Really fun until you get to the space stage and the game shits its pants

I have pretty much the same take as everybody else on this game; the metroidvania stuff sucks, everything else about this is near perfection. Were it not for the metroidvania stuff this would be an easy 9 or maybe even a 10 for me.

The writing also rides a very thin line between amusingly self aware and obnoxious. I mostly found it pretty charming, but the meta jokes and 4th wall breaks did occasionally make me roll my eyes.

Those things aside, this is about as good as action platformers get. The level design is top-notch, the platforming mechanics feel great, the combat is simple and satisfying, the bosses are amazing and only get better as the game goes on, and the soundtrack is to die for. Also the pixel art and sprite work is wonderful. Easy recommendation from me, looking forward to what this team does next.

I jumped ship so early I don't even think I can fairly give it a rating. The writing, man. I couldn't do it. Also the gluttonous particle effects actually gave me a headache after not too long.

Great game. It has a lot of bullshit and it makes me very angry but it's a great game.

It's just Receiver but bigger and better. More rooms, more guns, more enemy types (kinda). Lots of fun and it has a cool and eerie atmosphere to go with it. Definitely worth trying out.