do you guys think leon and the merchant explored each other's bodies

worst instalment in the entire franchise !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

never had a love/hate relationship with a game as complicated as this one but every day i miss makoto

graphics update fucks hard, i only played azure gleams twice and the demos for the other routes but i can't stand shez enough or stomach the writing to really commit to it. thankyou for married dimilix though


capturing art style, addictive gameplay and patrochilles. -0.5 because they're british and -0.5 because i would change some small things. otherwise banging game can't wait for hades 2

can't believe something so lovely was free.

clementine i love you forever.

my intro to ff and i will forever cherish it

i will never be able to find the words to express my emotions about this game

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society if people weren't freaks and it could've been luke vs kenny at the end

this game doesn't deserve the hate it got i love you javi