Obviously hasn't aged the greatest and that leaked remake better come out or leaked fully but come on this game is awesome. Pure fun. Amazing soundtrack. Inspirational.

Loved this game. Remember playing the multiplayer with my friend it was super fun.

So far this game is great! Feels dated at times mainly the 3d levels but I feel it adds charm and a feels a bit too experimental but I respect that. It's hard to keep track at times and know what ur doing, and hard to know if you've explored everything or not but that kinda adds to the replay value.

The soundtrack both JP and US SLAP! Like wow. Amazing stuff.

And I love the introduction of Amy and metal Sonic's new design although I kinda liked the one from sonic 2 more.

The gameplay, is freaking amazing. Love Sonic's design, the new animations, the past/future concept.

The cutscenes are freaking beautiful too and the characters actually make noises in game.

Oh my days tho. The level design. Probably the most beautiful levels, sound design, and soundtrack I've ever seen. The vibe is unmatched, it feels like ur actually in Sonic's universe, and the game is just a great to play all round.

Although a commercial failure, sonic cd is a game made with love, and pure passion. It trys to push boundaries and does though not as much a people wanted but I think this game is a beautiful masterpiece and is probably my favorite sonic game as of now. I think this is a must play for any sonic fan, and for any gamer.

A treat.
Can't wait to play again.


Freaking amazing game. You go faster. SUPER SONIC. TAILS!!! And an amazing final boss. Everything is better than the first game and also timeless.

Amazing game. Where it all started. It's timeless, beautifully crafted with passion and care, then boom. Scrap brain zone. Hardest zone ever imo. Such an awesome game, one of the best soundtracks, and man starlight zone and green hill zone are the standouts.

Okay, I came back to review this game since unbound came out and I've been playing it.

This game, was finally the first good modern NFS in what felt like eternity. I think that's part of the reason I love it so much.

This is legitimately. Just. A. Great. Game.

EA finally learnt, no bs mtx, and just a full game. Also this went on sale fairly quick so it was easily worth 50$. I would kind of struggle to pick this up at full price tho icl and here's why. AND ENGINE SWAPING WOOOO! Cars look, sound, and look amazing oh man. So good.

The story is meh. Gets the job done. Part of the reason why I dropped the rating too. So cringe and just mid.

The gameplay is great, super solid, smooth, and pure arcade fun. The night and day system is awesome, and multiplayer is seamless. Night is especially fun with friends. Switching is also seamless. I wish the city felt more full of life but the map is big and there's a lot to do, does feel tedious at times.

The UI design, and design elements are awesome too. Feels like NFS. Super well done.

Finally. A Banging soundtrack too. Very solid. And the city is pretty good too. Could use people tho.

It never feels like a grind to unlock anything or do anything, go at ur own pace, and the game opens up fairly quickly. I had awesome cars like 2 hours in.

Car customization is back, and you don't have to spend money! Rocket bunny, whatever u want make ur dream car. It's so dope.

Ton of customization and variety here, I never got bored. Races are well thought out and designed well.
Sounds great right?

Here's where we have a problem.

AI. The racing in the day the ai is fine, could be better, but night. Man. It's really fun, but it's so bs. The cops rubber and, just catch up to u in 5 seconds. It feels cheap and rage inducing most of the time. It's just frustrating when u get above 3.

Then, there was the lack of content on ps5 patch. EA just decided to abandon this game. I was so excited for the ps5 patch but they never made it. Huge missed opportunity, and huge miss not supporting the game further.

But a great game nonetheless, finally a solid foundation for NFS, and hopefully EA keeps it up, which looks like they are as Unbound improves on almost everything. I'll definitely be happy to play this in the future, when it becomes nostalgic. Already kind of is. So many vibes in 2019 before COVID.


This game. What a banger.
Even if this was like a $50 game my days it would be worth it and I've played it for an hour only.

It's devil may cry meets sunset overdrive meets jet set radio meets anime meets comic.

Based on that alone you should play it.

Gave it a 10, everything is sick the soundtrack, gameplay, animations, characters, story.

If It changes I'll update this but looks like it won't.

This game is simply a masterpiece, what gaming should be about.

EDIT: Beat the game and it's a masterpiece, I wasn't wrong. So fun.

Oh my days. They outdid themselves, everything is better than the first game. What an amazing story and game.

The set pieces.

This is the Uncharted 2 of transformers.

The grimlock missions were so dope, the final mission and boss, combat, playing as different autobots and Decepticons. The weapons, upgrade system.

Masterpiece. Really wish we got one on earth but this is one of the best duologys of all time.

Only single complaint is only one Bumblebee mission and he loses his voice off screen :(

10/10 must play

I don't understand how anyone could give this game a 10/10 like the story is HILARIOUSLY bad. Like I honestly can't believe they had 11 years and this is what they came up with. It felt like a knockoff of DMC 5 and Spider-Man No Way Home but on like extreme drugs and doing those drugs makes you illiterate so what you end up writing is just all over the place, which is the point kinda but it's not done in a good way.

Bayonetta 1&2 are not known for their masterful storytelling but they were interesting, coherent enough, and got the job done. The first one had demons, second one had angels. And the enemies were cool and interesting and even the main villain was a little compelling.

Here, oh my goodness. Quite possibly one of the worst villains ever I still don't know his name, singularity? Don't even know his motivations, what he wanted, he's just a terrible villian.

The enemy designs aren't generic and they are fun to fight against but they just feel hollow and lifeless compared to the ones fought in 1 and 2, the designs are bad and names aswell and just bad it feels like the enemies you would see in a generic sci-fi movie.

The new character Viola, is surprisingly not as bad as I thought she was gonna be but still bad. She is a Nero clone. But at least Nero has redeeming qualities such as gameplay and he has a pretty good personality and arsenal and motivations. Can't say the same for Viola. Not fun to play, boring, generic, underused.

The gameplay is great very very good although it does feel like a little something is missing at times but it's awesome close to perfection.

Soundtrack. Oh man. Phenomenal. Violas theme is a really good and just very well done as it should be.

The new arsenal of weapons were awesome too very creative and different.

The Jeanne sections were really fun and a nice change of pace and great references to metal gear and persona haha.

Great graphics, and the action is amazing you can really feel the scope of all the fights and it goes crazy.

And the ending is quite possibly one of the worst I have seen in my life. Absolutely terrible and does ruin the franchise, I am so so much more grateful for how DMC 5 came to be because that's how you do a sendoff for your main characters and pass the torch not whatever this was.

Overall, a pretty great game. Unfortunately the weakest aspect was the story which kind of breaks it for me. Phenomenal gameplay, soundtrack, and loads and loads of creativity and experimentation I loved it and lots of replay valu. The 11 year wait was kinda worth it but kinda not honestly playing this game just made me wanna play DMC V due to how bad the story is in this game. Replaying it for me will be hard because of the story. You feel no emotion or anything it's just all over the place. Could've been a lot better, but what we got excluding story was pretty great.


Wow. A must play game and a masterpiece. Literally my childhood. Replaying it now made me appreciate it so much more.


Definition of mid. Painful to play and finish especially on the hardest difficulty. Some trophies are rng based too which sucks if u wanna plat it for the memes.

Pretty average not invested enough to waste my time on it, if outer worlds 2 looks good I’ll come back to it ig.

Misunderstood masterpiece. 10/10 GOTY and if you think this game is bad you’re actually stupid and dumb. Mayo>>>>

Great game.

Amazing mechanics, super rewarding and punishing, great levels and overall design.

Soundtrack was awesome! The cyberpunk futuristic style is great, although I wish the universe and story was explored more like it’s so interesting I wish they went more into it.

It’s too hard for me, and I just don’t have the time to play right now. Definitely will go back to it eventually.