I have a hard time digesting a remake of something that was already so perfect, I literally have to keep reminding myself this is a reimagining which it is and that it's not Resident Evil 4, it's a whole new game. RE2 and RE3 had leeway since they were genuinely so old and it was welcomed by most, but with 4, for me it's just not the case.

The game starts off with the right foot for the most part, we get a great recap like in the original game from Leon, and The Drive plays and you know the rest. It's good but it's still not as good as the original, they even changed the lines and the police voice actors are not that good.

A lot of the charm such as the funny dialogue and moments are gone for the sake of making it more "grounded" and "horror" so why are suplexing and kicks still mechanics? It just seems like they are embarrassed of what made RE4 good at times. Don't get me wrong alot are still there and it has a few good new ones but not much. But it's like the game only commits half way of trying to be something new because they know if they cut stuff and change too much we won't like it, so it ends up feeling unfaithful and is kind of cheating itself. No art on loading screens is also stupid, little things like that add up.

Ada's va line delivery is awful. Krausers va is alright. Overall other than Luis, Ashely, Leon, and maybe the Merchant the voice acting is super mediocre.

Merchant is an improvement in terms of buying and selling and upgrading and while not as iconic as the og he's not bad, he's pretty good. Leon's new va is good but I just couldn't help think of Paul Mercier. It's werid, all the voice acting just doesn't feel that good. Even all the enemies it's just not as good as the original, and maybe it's not supposed to be but what did they give us in return? In my opinion what we got in return wasn't that good. So much was cut and changed for worse than better it's actually insane.

The gameplay feels smooth, insane attention to detail. It's a pretty good reimagining of RE4 and a newer modern direction of the original game. However aiming feels annoying, crowd control is not there, and things are just not as thought out as the original. And it just pisses you off sometimes, like when you run by enemies you might get stunned or Leon does this werid jerk movement it's so stupid, and the crouch button is so pointless.

The controls are pretty good, but I much prefer the strategic and more thought out controls of the original, it was more thought provoking and fun and you just felt like you were in control, like an experienced Leon, don't get me wrong though some of that feeling is still here.

Unreal graphics, great sound design in its own way, art direction is great too. I still like the original better and it's aged like wine and I think it's more scary, but again it's good here too they did the best they could while keeping some of the originals soul.

Parrying mechanic is awesome. Great idea to change it up from the original. But what's the point when your knife breaks every 5 seconds.

The dialogue is nowhere near as good as the OG. And I don't understand why they had to change a lot of it, like I get it but they're changing it and giving us something not as good in return.

I also absolutely hate the fact that the notes are so trash, in the original I was always intrigued and wanted to read more and was invested but in this game they just feel generic and you kinda have no motivation to read them, like I still remember Luis's research from the OG.

The reload animations and animations in general are really good, they're a treat to see.

I liked the remixed soundtracks it adds an authentic feel at timed and I enjoyed the soundtrack for the most part.

Crafting overhaul is nice it's similar to RE2R, but it's nothing crazy.

Quality of life stuff is cool and instant switching is nice but I don't like it. Takes away from so much of the strategic elements of the og.

Amazing ai at times, but it gets annoying at times. Especially Ashley, although her character is great in the remake and I still prefer the original, the commands are stupid. You have less control and she's constantly running and more annoying in this one. In the original games the commands were perfect and they should have kept them that way. The addition of her hiding and stuff is cool though.

Big cheese fight was good. The second phase kind of sucked tho. Salazars design sucks too just to mention it.

Tutorial section for the knife was so dumb, you already learnt how to use the knife yourself before that.

Dialogue with Hunnigan is ass and overly serious, and it just takes it self so seriously and I hate how Leon is such a hardass. His characterization in the original is so much better and he's literally a CHAD.

All these improvements are great but I FEEL next to nothing.

Sections feel like modern gaming at times, just walking around or getting something or whatever it's so boring at times and isn't as intriguing as the original or even the RE2R.

I feel people are being dishonest or have their glasses on where they can't see flaws, or are having recency bias because the game has issues it's not perfect like people say. This is NOT a generational game like the original and other games. There's nothing jaw dropping or revolutionary about this game like the original, not one new amazing innovation. Like how does this game have better reviews than something like RDR2, the original, some of the greatest games ever? This is not even the best remake. This game is not even close to them, it's a good game, but at the end of the day it's a knockoff I feel, the best Resident Evil 4 knockoff you can buy.

But why would you wanna buy a knockoff? When you can enjoy the original thing. Capcom should have used this energy on a game that actually needed it or made something original entirely. Modern gaming I guess.

RE4 remake impresses, its a fun game, a great game at times, it carries over parts of Resident Evil 4s soul, but it doesn't manage to capture me or make me FEEL what the original did, and what it offers is just subpar especially compared to it...

I know I may sound negative, I enjoyed the game still, and my standards are high. But it's just that the original Resident Evil 4 means so much to me and was so freaking amazing and revolutionary. It's one of my favorite games ever, and I love it so much. So Resident Evil 4 Remake was set up to fail for someone like me.


Was terrified of this game when it came out. Still kinda am. Love the atmosphere, the scary inmates, the camera mechanic is awesome too.

Could've been longer, and feels a little repetitive and cookie cutter at times but still lots of fun and a great start to a new horror IP.

This game. What a banger.
Even if this was like a $50 game my days it would be worth it and I've played it for an hour only.

It's devil may cry meets sunset overdrive meets jet set radio meets anime meets comic.

Based on that alone you should play it.

Gave it a 10, everything is sick the soundtrack, gameplay, animations, characters, story.

If It changes I'll update this but looks like it won't.

This game is simply a masterpiece, what gaming should be about.

EDIT: Beat the game and it's a masterpiece, I wasn't wrong. So fun.


I was super excited for this game, but unfortunately it did not meet expectations.

The game is a slog. It's story and writing is a mess. It is awful unfortunately. Which is a huge bummer since it is inspired by Bioshock one of my favorite games ever. It is terrible, unbearable. Bad.

The game doesn't know how to set the tone and atmosphere, and just ends up feeling hollow and empty. You never feel any tension, or anything. You don't care about what's going on.

The world however is beautiful, and definitely meets the bioshock feel similar to Rapture or Columbia. But unfortunately, it can't even be compared in my opinion. It feels lifeless, all it has is looks.

The soundtrack is amazing, Mick Gorden doesn't miss.

The gameplay, yikes. Not very good. Cookie cutter, all over the place, and not fun to play. The skill trees and upgrading station UI is also awful. Not fun. There are a lot of cool mechanics, like looting, and the minigames are interesting but yeah that's it.

Enemy designs and designs as a whole are meh. Love the concept though of the whole Soviet floating city x robots x advanced sci-fi tech, but that's it. It just looks good and feels like it sometimes, especially when u see the posters around the city and the tech, but that's all. Like it doesn't immerse you.

I dropped the game. I couldn't do it. I very rarely drop games and I was so excited but after a couple of hours I couldn't take it anymore. You can tell a lot of hard work went into this game, but maybe it went into the wrong places. I wouldn't recommend this game to anyone, just play Bioshock. Glad I didn't pay for this.

I pooped a little.

Absolute masterpiece of a game, the scariest game I've ever played and do I even have to say more? One of the best horror games ever.

If you're reading this it's too late

Fun game. Love the opening. Really cool concept.

guy from smash bros in the game

So cool. Love the soundtrack and lore. Tough game.

Loved this game. Remember playing the multiplayer with my friend it was super fun.


SA2 is a worthy successor, and is better in almost every single way than the first game.

Focusing on a linear story and more closed stages is a decision I thought I wouldn't like, and I still love Adventure 1 and appreciate the open world and exploration aspect, but every single stage here is designed amazingly and is super fun to play.

Instead of making everyone super similar like the first and having pretty much the same story and stages, each character is given a different mission style and abilities which makes every mission fun to play and you get to mix it up instead of just playing as Sonic.

The hero and dark story paths are so cool. You end up in the same place from different perspectives. And the final ending is freaking peak.

Shadow has to be one of the coolest characters introduced in gaming. He's so mysterious, him and Sonic have a rivalry like Goku and Vegeta and u want to know more about his backstory and what he's been through.

The story is kinda dark LOL Eggman actually kinda is way more ambitious here and the story has more stakes. Everyone working together as a team is awesome, it's kinda like DBZ.

The controls are good, I feel the first had better controls and this game has aged pretty much as badly as it. Imagine if these games got remade, but the charm and nostalgia is always gonna be there. Also the sound design is good but man some repetitive noises and missiles playing as Tails gives u a headache sometimes.

Soundtrack is amazing just as good if not better than the first.

The battle mode if u play the 2012 port is a good edition and the kart racing mini game and chao racing, lots of extra stuff to do.

Overall, an amazing game and a great second game for 3D Sonic, in fact for me personally I think I prefer Sonic, but him and Mario were going toe to toe with their first few entries. This game is super fun to play, has lots of replay value, and while not as exhilaratingly fast as Sonic Adventure 1, it makes up for it with it's great story, character interactions, and level design and abilities.

Only up from here right?

So far this game is great! Feels dated at times mainly the 3d levels but I feel it adds charm and a feels a bit too experimental but I respect that. It's hard to keep track at times and know what ur doing, and hard to know if you've explored everything or not but that kinda adds to the replay value.

The soundtrack both JP and US SLAP! Like wow. Amazing stuff.

And I love the introduction of Amy and metal Sonic's new design although I kinda liked the one from sonic 2 more.

The gameplay, is freaking amazing. Love Sonic's design, the new animations, the past/future concept.

The cutscenes are freaking beautiful too and the characters actually make noises in game.

Oh my days tho. The level design. Probably the most beautiful levels, sound design, and soundtrack I've ever seen. The vibe is unmatched, it feels like ur actually in Sonic's universe, and the game is just a great to play all round.

Although a commercial failure, sonic cd is a game made with love, and pure passion. It trys to push boundaries and does though not as much a people wanted but I think this game is a beautiful masterpiece and is probably my favorite sonic game as of now. I think this is a must play for any sonic fan, and for any gamer.

A treat.
Can't wait to play again.


Oh my goodness. Without a doubt the greatest Resident Evil game and one of the best games ever made. A perfect mix of action, and survival horror.

This game is terrifying, the tone, the art style and direction, the creepy and amazing soundtrack. All of these together bring Resident Evil 4 to life. Even the freaking sound design is amazing. It's awesome truly and in 2005 jaw dropping even in 2023 I'm super impressed. And man those death screens are insane.

The puzzles are made well and fun to solve, some are super hard I love it. The classic RE staple.

And the fact this game went through development hell and ended up being goated it's just mind blowing and it ran well and worked amazing and didn't cut corners on every platform it was released for.

The story is so awesome too, having Leon back as our protagonist is amazing and he's at his best here. The writing is very good, and the dialogue has its charm and is funny at times, it's the Capcom style. I always wanted to know more about the story and lore because it keeps you interested and intrigued.

The new enemies are horrifying, and make very creepy sounds that are unnerving like I had to play with my lights on. The original is still the scariest but this one is a very close second which is saying something since you can literally feel so powerful and badass a lot of times.

I loved all the weapons, the game is designed brilliantly, so many routes to take, explore, different ways to fight, and the game is genuinely difficult and has so much replay value. And extra modes after beating the main game, you can tell this game had so much love put into it. I loved the village and then the castle and the callback to RE2 in the sewers this game is freaking amazing all the areas are awesome and memorable.

The Krauser fight, especially the finale is one of the best and most well thought out bosses I've ever seen and it's so sick especially how your knife is encouraged it's a straight 1v1 and the Salazar boss fight is awesome and iconic too, all of them are honestly, the merchant is a legend, and seeing Ada again was awesome too, I really loved the notes too the first time in a game where I wanted to read everything. And Luis was so cool too! He got done dirty! All the bosses are amazing and man the creatures and monsters are so well designed and sound super scary. I just loved playing it's amazing honestly it's what gaming is about and this game aged so well.

I genuinely can not believe this game was made in 2005, to this day it looks amazing and on modern consoles it looks even better. This game revolutionized so many things, and man Capcom in the early 2000 was just crazy, they made DMC1 which was inspired by this game and you can really feel how both games have similarities, and then they made DMC3 also they were just on a roll! (We don't talk about DMC2)

I always wanted to see what happens next, Ashley is basically Elizabeth from Bioshock Infinite LOL. Leon and her have a cute relationship and it's cool how she can help you out and do things for you at times.

This game doesn't have any flaws tbh, I'm just nitpicking on things that could be improved, the camera feels a little wonky at times and I wish Ashley had more lines and that's about it tbh.

I freaking love this game, everything about it. I love how it's over the top, I love all the action sequences, I even love the quick time events this game is so awesome. And man the ending and final boss is so awesome.

This is truly Capcoms greatest game right next to DMC3, (5 too, and RE2 Remake was amazing too but uk what I mean!!) and I can not wait to see the improvements in the remake, even though it doesn't really need it (Capcom why'd u mess up 3 it needed it the most :( smh).

A masterpiece, timeless, and just amazing. This is peak gaming.