Adds a whole new level of replayability to the game! There are no new levels just a new moveset with a handful of cutscene changes and it easily clocked in almost half of my playtime getting me to over 100 hours. Best part, it’s free! They really could’ve charged for this if they wanted to but they stuck to their word and kept it as free DLC since it was intended for launch. Hopefully we continue to get updates like this until we get another game from Tour de Pizza.

I really want to like this game. I really want to see what people see in it but it feels impossible to. Every time I play it I just don’t have fun. I’ll get through a level get to the boss, the boss takes longer then then the level, the boss music is awful. repeat.
The best way to define playing this game is a slog. This team had good ideas but most if not all of them were poorly executed. Hopefully they get it right next time.

With a Steam release a whole bunch of new players were able to experience this amazingly inspired game. I think the best way to define this js “Baby’s first TF2” it’s a little jank, has odd movement and mechanics but once you master them you feel amazing. It’s one of the only shooters today that doesn’t take itself seriously. Things are silly, dumb things will kill you but you’re right back in the fight! We need more shooters like this especially now. It was refreshing then and it is replaying it now.
I’m glad this game is getting an active player base again, averaging over 1000 players on steam alone daily. Hopefully EA sees the community is still there and decide to give the series another chance though it is doubtful.

First time playing through this game fully. When I’ve tried the game in the past I always found it too stressful, i hated seeing my Pikmin die and finishing the day without finding any parts. Although on a proper replay telling myself to not stress things like that and to just see how far I can go.
That made this game go from a stressor to a stress reliever. It’s so nice just walking around with your pikmin, getting all of olimar’s ship parts and trinkets. I especially love how much character they give Olimar for his first appearance you learn so much about him.
I love this silly plant game. I’m sure it’s fun to speed run as well.

An incredible fighting game that’s gets everything right that a casual and competitive fan would be looking for. Fast and complex gameplay, eye catching character designs, outstanding music, with a flashiness that puts most traditional fighting games to shame. A must have for any fighting game player that wants to shake things up from a more traditional 2D fighter.

The most released Early Access game i’ve ever played. I have a very big annoyance towards Early Access games, they’re always unfinished, buggy, and just don’t feel complete. “That’s the point” I know, it just isn’t my thing. But this game, I got this game years ago, I wanna say in 2017. The game felt great then, it’s a dumb party game with friends. Over the years however it’s changed so so much. The arcade, the casino, more maps in games, the game is constantly changing and the devs are always keeping fans up to date on said changes.
That’s not even to list the customization, you can have your own home, there’s a workshop with multiple furniture items, and lastly the Avatar workshop! If there’s a fictional character in generally popular or niche dedicated communities you’ll find them there! I love it! It’s such an open game. Lets you do so much with your time, I wish there was more like it.
The only reason this isn’t a 5 is because it’s Early Access and though it is very polished the cracks do show in small ways. A lot of lag spikes and bad optimization for lower grade PCs especially in condos though the condos aren’t the Devs’ fault those are fully player customizable worlds

Genuinely one of the best games every made. You can play it whenever, you can stop playing whenever. We need more games like this. Just relaxing pick up and play games that’re made to just be therapeutic. You get the job done, you move on. You can’t ask for a simpler concept than Powerwash Simulator.

Possibly my favorite Spider-Man story to date. If you’re like me and after watched Across the Spider-verse you’ve just been hyper fixated on Spider-Man content, this is such a good gateway into the actual series. It has some of Spider-Man’s most iconic villains, some lesser known ones as well!
The writing is just as amazing as people have said, it’s so hard to get a mature Peter Parker right but you can tell this one is experienced. He has all these different gadgets, the city loves him, he has a strong relationship to basically every major character you see, you can tell there’s history in this world.
Though my personal favorite part is the web slinging! People have been saying lately that it’s too slow?… Did they play the game? Did they stop at like level 5? With each level up up to level 50 you get power ups related to swinging and by the time you’re at 50 it’s a noticeable jump in momentum and speed! The combat is great as well, the amount of things you can string on one enemy is honestly almost overwhelming. Once you understand how everything works it just feels like you can’t be stopped.
Sadly haven’t played the entirety of the DLC yet but Part 1 alone was excellent!

A cute visual novel! Gives you everything you’d really want in one, cute characters, quirky little moments, relaxing music. The part that has honestly stuck with me the most is the music and general atmosphere. I’ve gotten an office job recently so whenever I stay late I usually play the soundtrack and go about my work.
Another great part, this game is based off of an artist on twitter’s OCs, @hcnone. It’s honestly inspiring to see someone go from that to development a game for their own characters, super inspiring for any artist!

This review was written before the game released

One of the worst modern FPS games you can play right now with an awful dev team, terrible player base, and unrewarding gameplay loop.
I play it everyday.

EDIT: I no longer play this game everyday. Garbage people behind it.

People that complain about the controls must not have drank enough milk because personally speaking I can play this game just fine. Aside from that this will be one of the best stories you can find in a game.
The characters are so entertaining, it's like you're sitting on a couch with the gods watching Pit struggle through all this greek mythology nonsense. The story itself is short but encapsulating you get engaged with all the characters. And man the music! Never before have I seen a game use timed sections to really make the music just work with everything happening around you.
It's really hard to briefly put into words how much this game just grabs you from chapter 1 for most people but hey, I'd say give it until chapter 9. If you're not into it past that it's not for you.

It’s no Sonic Robo Blast 2 Kart which also features Garfield and friends in karts, but it sure is fun.

Whenever I think of this game I always think of when I was in middle school and would play it all the time with a friend at the time. Summer nights of us having “sleepovers” by just keeping our 3DSes turned on while in each other’s worlds. Playing on Kapp’n’s Island and spending hours collecting bugs and sharks. All the personalities and the ways I’d imagine my villagers speaking and what they thought of me.
For me this is a game of nostalgia and still the best one to date. I get emotional thinking back to it all. It’s just one of those games that I would open find a log and just listen to the music as well.
Aside from that it’s more animal crossing for the most part with a few more things added for better or worse depending on who you ask but i think a lot of people can relate that this game is so well remembered because it just had many things to experience.
That’s what this game has that New Horizons is missing, the experience, the shock, just these moments that you remember so fondly. To me those are so rare in the newer game. Maybe it’s just that I’ve grown up but whenever I boot up my old village I don’t think that’s it. There’s just something here that isn’t in New Horizons.

When people think of Mario 64 you can think of a few things depending on a few things. You either think of the fun of Bom-Bomb Battlefield, flying with the wing cap, or climbing Whomps’s Fortress. Or you think of falling off of Rainbow Ride because you moved slightly to the left, climbing up Tick-Tock Clock to collect all 7 stars, or just the general frustration with the camera.
I think both of these points are valid but I think what completely overrides the negatives is the amount of MODS this game has. I mean you have multiplayer, all new level, some people even made whole new games with the exact same engine! Personally I think M64’s biggest problem is the level design later on but the modding community is so creative and constantly working on a new project. With Mario’s excellent movement in this game people have made astonishing levels around it.
If you haven’t given some of them a shot I insist you do, heck they even added multiplayer to the game. Without mods M64 might’ve been a 3 1/2 or 4 but with them, which is really the only way to play, it’s just some of the best Mario gameplay you can get.

From what I’ve played so far this is the best starter game for FF. It follows a more traditional RPG style of waiting and attacking, no timers. Only thing lacking is a story but I think that’s a good thing for this entry.
It honestly felt like a similar feeling to when I played Pokémon as a kid, giving all 4 main characters their own goals and names. It let me imagine I was going on an adventure with my friends as cringy as that sounds it’s true. It’s definitely a game where you need to use your imagination to get the most out of it.
Even aside from that if it’s your first FF I think just the pure spectacle at some parts will leave you mouth agaped. I’m on FF6 and this still remains my favorite for all the different just MOMENTS from this one.
If you’re a fan of RPGs in general this feels like a NEED to play at least to me.