Ugh this was a disappointing mess. Just thinking about writing a review for it is exhausting.

I'm not going to go in depth here, but essentially, Mass Effect 3 is a mostly disapointing finale to the trilogy. The game lacks RPG mechanics and dialogue choices. On a whole, it feels more linear and driven by combat, rather than primarily focussed on interesting storytelling or character building like the previous two entries in the series. Your decisions in this game (and decisions from elsewhere in the trilogy) feel inconsequential here, and the ending is thoroughly unsatisfying. After all these years, I'm still bitter about it.

This was once one of my all time favourite games. I originally played it on both PC and Xbox 360, earning every achievement twice over and spending hundreads of hours in The Capital Wasteland. After watching the surpisingly decent Fallout TV show, I decided to give Fallout 3 another go.

Sadly, it hasn't aged well. The writing was so bad and basic that I stopped playing after a few hours - I couldn't take it anymore. There are still loads of technical issues on PC. The combat is pathetic. While the exploration is still enjoyable, the gameworld isn't as reactive as say... New Vegas. In fact, while re-playing Fallout 3, all I could think about was that I'd much rather just be playing New Vegas - so eventually that's what I did.

I still have a lot of fondness for Fallout 3, and while - to a certain degree - that may just be nostalgia, it is still a good game. Just don't expect much more than a moderately shallow RPG with poor combat, and storytelling that lacks any semblance of complexity.

The gameplay is finally in a place that can live up to Bungie-era Halo, while still feeling a bit fresh. I was absolutely thrilled to see Halo return to its original art style, and have a soundtrack that actually sounds like Halo.

However, while Halo Infinite is the best 343 release, it's still plagued with issues. The campaign feels rushed and clumsy. It feels limited in its environments and its scope. I'm happy that Infinite retcons Halo 5's story, but it all feels messy nonetheless. The Banished are led by a cringe-worthy cartoon villain, though Master Chief thankfully returns to his signature stoic style which is contrasted well against the pilot character. However the pilot character isn't as developed as I would like, and the 'Weapon' feels - again - like a clumsy solution to a problem that should have been avoided in the first place. The entire campaign feeling like its stuck in the second level from Halo: CE (but not as good) is to Infinite's detriment. The ability to select any weapon you want from outposts makes weapon management redundent, and the open world adds absolutley nothing to Halo - besides tedious and barebones side-quests.

The mulitplayer support has largely been an absolute mess to say the least, and it's emblematic of Microsoft's bizarre mismanagement of its once biggest and best franchise. 343 finally has a good thing here with some great core gameplay, but they've wasted all that potential with a bloated, messy and - at times - uninspired campaign, and a mostly neglected multiplayer that makes a mockery of when Halo was at its height in 2007.

I wanted to like it, but it quickly became repetitive and boring for me.

TF2 used to be amazing, but Valve has left it to die.

The writing is awful and grating but the gameplay was so good.

Utterly boring and uninspired. It really feels like you're playing something from 15 years ago. The design of the cities, the combat, the animations, the lack of QoL features (city maps lol?), all the technical issues and the writing - holy shit the writing - it's all awful. At no point did I care about any of the characters or the factions or the world in general. It's just all so boring. The exploration is terrible. The ship-building is cool but even that feels redundant, as ships are basically no more than slightly elaborate loading screens. After about 30 hours, I stopped playing the game and haven't been able to bring myself to even try and play it again. Bethesda should really do some soul searching and fix their shit. Starfield, even more so than Bethesda’s other games, is thoroughly absent of substance or quality or even a modicum of originality.

Despite tweaking the ini file, turning off vsync to uncap the framerate, and turning down the graphics settings, I can't get this to run at a consistent 60 fps. The framerate is all over the place - it goes from 40 to 70 to 50 to 120 to 30, seemingly at random. It appears there is an actual improvement in Fallout 76 since its initial release (though I'm sceptical to what extent this may be), but I'm unable to experience it due to pathetic techincal issues, typical of Bethesda.

Utterly mediocre, at best. Horrendous writing, technical issues and a glaring absence of RPG mechanics makes Fallout 4 one of the worst entries in the series.