10 reviews liked by tggoulart

Some scene changes are hit or miss (I especially kind of hated the schedule changes at points, which cost me a 100% max Social Link run that I managed to achieve in FES, and the fact that they didn't do anything to improve the pacing of the summer vacation portion) but the gameplay is a gigantic step up from FES. Definitely enjoyed a lot of the new mechanics and quality-of-life improvements introduced (especially Theurgy) and the reshuffling of skills alongside a more offensive style of combat made for a more enjoyable dungeon crawling experience. I was a bit adamant about the recasting apart from few certain choices since I got so used to the old voice cast but the new cast fully won me over through a good chunk of the game. The Social Links are a lot more engaging now with the added voice acting injecting a lot of personality to the cast of characters, the Linked Episodes are all really solid and Persona 3's story is still engrossing and emotionally impactful as always. All in all, a superb remake.

I would say that I finally beat the game after almost two months of playing but it would be more accurate to say that the game beat me instead.

Finally finishing all the Yakuza games (except the new Garden and Infinite Wealth) this, among the Kiryu centric games, is probably the best one of the series I've played yet. I really enjoyed the story, supporting cast was great, and the villains were quite memorable to me. This felt like the Judgement series, as the central storyline was essentially a detective story, which is a series I thoroughly enjoy, and probably why I enjoyed this so much. After burning through the whole series, I'm glad I did, but even more glad I'm finally done, as I prefer having more time between entries to enjoy all they have to offer.

Toradora... I mean, Yakuza Foura.

You start out with a different protag, Shun, and I actually like him, he's just a financial dealer that allies with homeless people, the Yakuza are just stuck in his path for better or worse which I think is nice to set yourself outside of the box for a minute.

It really gives a new perspective on Kamurocho in general because you're no leader of it, you're just a guy that sees trouble all the time. You know of Kazuya but so does everybody else, you know what he's done, you see its effects. For one, you can knock people's teeth out, including your own!

I like that your allies are homeless people. But it goes beyond that, shows just how deep this goes through the eyes of different characters. And man, I understood why people liked Majima but I get more reasons every time, he's not just one thing, he's kind of the unsung protagonist of this saga.

With Saejima, his route (literally) navigation is dumb. It makes sense to venture into the underground but you get twisted all around and it just gets tedious. It made me not want to do the side stuff because I didn't know what route to take, so make sure that you do whatever you're going to do as soon as it's introduced to you, that way you can keep track of it. If not, there's a place at the end of the game before the final battle where it lets you revisit all the characters and their side missions to your leisure, but you still have to follow the weird routes with Saejima.

Now, next is Tanimura who is a 29 yo. Hey, wait, the plot takes place over 25 years so this guy-That's smart, could've been cool if he was born then but to show just how much time has passed to have a whole new generation be in line. This is the part where I decided I was going to take my time with it, I'd spend days doing side-quests and just leveling up because the first two seemed like they were fleeting.

With an action game of this caliber, you begin to see the calm in the eye of the storm. Check out the Hangout or the Cuez Bar in the underground mall where Lyn Inaizumi type music plays. It's nice. Meeting characters like Nair and learning her movesets and story, it's like a story away from the story but good enough to be apart of yours personally.

Lastly, our original protag, Kiryu, that gets roped into this and kind of expands on what happened in Yakuza 1. I would like to see a game expand on what happened while Kiryu was in jail but I do see us getting a ton of spinoffs already so it's probably not far behind.

There are a lot of enemies with batons that I've come to despise and always took me the longest, never learned how to handle them. It's got a weird obsession where it tries to impress you or fake you out. "Uh-oh, someone got shot but did they actually get shot? Or is it a twist murder?"

But this game is in a weird spot for me rank wise because it has the ingredients to be great and perhaps even second favorite so far due to its scheme, story, characters and gameplay toss-up but it's also the most disappointing because it could've used those elements to much greater effect so I can't really say what I prefer it over or if I prefer others over it, I'm in the middle with it and even after a nice break of time to settle my opinion, I feel the same way, so I may just never get over that.

Probably my new favorite boomer shooter.
Overflowing with style and has great gameplay as well. Everything feels really tight and responsive and the guns have fun impact. Has just about every movement gimmick and you can fly around and blast. Got lost a few times but not for too long and the rest of the game made up for it. Looking forward to the next playthrough.

Sometimes you just need a super fun basic no bullshit game and Evil West does that in strides

This is a pure video game. An amazing adrenaline fueled action game. It makes me so happy smaller scale games like this can still come out. The inspirations from stuff like DOOM and even Evil Dead are super clear. It's such a fun game and I want more like it.

Every review that says "ignore the Restoration Mod!!!" is intentionally trying to lead you to play a buggy, broken and unfinished mess. Do not pay heed to any of those reviews and play the game with TSLRCM (though not the Steam Workshop one if you want more mods, get it from Deadly Stream).

A game of immeasurable power and relevancy. Undoubtedly something that deserves a sincere reevaluation given our contemporary woes and social unrest. With the luscious visual designs borrowing from Romanticist values and a breathtaking score by Jessica Curry, in ways this feels ahead of its time, achieving an overwhelming sense of isolation through the usual tropes of the "walking sim" genre. It's the massive scope that makes all the difference. What's told here is a richly drawn tapestry of a town populated by complicated people reckoning with complex events; the chief being the apocalypse itself. Or at least the end of "their" world as they know it. This game engages with annihilation as it is happening, and the intimate traumas and regrets and buried revelations that are unearthed when civilized society is pushed to the brink of oblivion. It is an expressively funereal and thunderous experience. My only qualms fall on what was probably time/budget restrictions; the interior designs becoming a bit monotonous and the way some of the areas bleed together can be disarming. Needless to say the game is consistently enthralling, finding various methods of connecting dread and beauty together through its aesthetic and voice talents, entwining them in poetic fashion.

An ethereal dance of light and darkness, cosmic by definition. It's rare to see a game take such a brave yet absolute trek into the unknown. Encompassing feels like the correct word.

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Most stressful "bring your daughter to work day" ever.