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2 hrs ago

titannull completed AI: The Somnium Files
Quite alright! The dream diving sequences are mostly just tedious and there's no reason to not just use a guide since the puzzle solutions are complete nonsense (there's no reasoning behind what option it is that makes you progress and you have a finite number of guesses). The story is cool, and then it isn't, and then it is again, and then settles somewhere in the middle. It's multiple routes but you're gated off some routes until you finish another one, so then you have some whiplash between "what was different in this storyline compared to the other ones?" that makes it hard to get too invested.
Coming into it I didn't expect me to have a complaint about painfully forced dance/song sequences that happen multiple times, but here we are. It can't really maintain a tone to save it's life and has to make repeated jokes that rarely if ever land. Little girl is incredibly strong and single handedly fights off a dozen bodyguards? Snooze. Protag is so incredibly horny that the mention of a porno mag sends him into a frenzy where his reaction time is multiplied? What are we doing here man?
Good voice work and music at least (besides the one song they use for each dance number and that the english VA can't quite pull off singing).

Also have to note that the dream diving machine is repeatedly stated to be Top Secret Do Not Tell Anyone About because it would cause a worldwide crisis, but anyone you dive into is aware of it and you frequently explain what it is to them. The only thing really maintained as a secret is his AI eyeball, for reasons? I'm not sure of an explicit reason to keep it a secret from everyone.

10 hrs ago

titannull commented on mikli's review of Demon's Souls
There's so many weird little experimental things with the game that were lost in the games that followed unfortunately.
Maiden Astraea is just peak, they will never surpass that bar that they set for themselves a decade ago.

7 days ago

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