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Silent Hill 2
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Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice
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Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence
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Left 4 Dead 2
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Super Smash Bros. Ultimate


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Only fifteen minutes into this game and I felt desperate for any other videogame to strike at the level of style that permeates this beast. Main menu, loading screen, chapter start, character select, pause menu: it's all bespokely aestheticized.

I was expecting some degree of spicy flavor from the presentation. I was expecting bonkers cutscenes and plot beats. What I wasn't expecting was such interesting writing overtop all of it. Whether it's a severed head in a dryer or a thrusting man wearing a HUSTLE tank-top, these characters spit fire.

It's only the good parts of going to a haunted house with your friends. It's a hilarious-moment generator. And most astonishing of all, despite its early-access state, despite only coming from one developer, it just works.

AAA games have a tendency to be filled with narrative in every conceivable nook: notes, banter, item descriptions, mountains of dialogue and text. Here Alan Wake II is the same, but in every drop of that narrative there's a richness that elevates what would've otherwise been an acceptable action-horror adventure into something that I have taken with me.